Local and European election candidates

I have doubts whether labour would go into coalition with parties like SF/PBP/SP. Much more content to go in with FG/FF

He did indeed, the cunt. Unhappy to leave his description as a “long-time Sinn Féin stronghold” he had to ramble off mentioning some other unsavoury events.
I wouldn’t be hiring a cruiser for a trip along the canal any time soon if I were him.

[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 948663, member: 246”]He did indeed, the cunt. Unhappy to leave his description as a “long-time Sinn Féin stronghold” he had to ramble off mentioning some other unsavoury events.
I wouldn’t be hiring a cruiser for a trip along the canal any time soon if I were him.[/QUOTE]
We’re not a sea faring people, I imagine he’ll be safe.

I was just listening to Newstalk’s election coverage there. Irish Times political correspondent Mary Minihan has a very sexy voice.

Unfortunately, george hook does not.

You seem quite disappointed by that? Fan of the big man’s look?

Nice. No. The ‘unfortunate’ referred to the fact that i have to turn the clueless nasal fuck off as soon as i hear him.

Incredible scenes as the Kilkenny count centre is gatecrashed by a hen party. Canice is in shock.

A real possibility that by the end of day IRA/SF could be the largest party on Dublin, Cork, Belfast and Londonderry councils.

Good stuff. Another neighbor. Always a big FF vote in Kilmallock.

Up the RA

I’ve been listening to newstalk more than Rte today. Finding the coverage much better.

Biggest party in Dublin, Belfast, Cork and Donegal.

We’re on the one road…

The I, The I, The…

Rte would put years on you.

How did things finish up in adare/rathkeale

Reports on Sky News indicate slash-hooks were used.

great result for the left.

pity only 1 centre right party were destroyed but hopefully thats the last we see of labour. they lied to the people and are nothing but careerists. Labour- RIP

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 948698, member: 9”]Biggest party in Dublin, Belfast, Cork and Donegal.

We’re on the one road…

The I, The I, The…[/QUOTE]


Willie O’Dea’s mate Maurice Quinlivan (Sinn Fein) elected on the first count in Limerick North.

Not confirmed yet officially but it looks like O’Brien (IND), Neville (FG), Keary (FG), McMahon (SF) are certs. Dog fight for the last two seats between FF and Rose Brennan.