Local and European election candidates

Labour see SF as rivals for the same vote share. Then don’t see that with FG and FF. The gains by SF, SP, PBP have largely come at the expense of Lab (a degree of SF’s increase is cutting into FF vote share).
There is never going to a coalition govt in Ireland that doesn’t involve FG or FF. The combined left just isn’t big enough. We are by and large a nation of comfortable centrists and local issue voters (hence all the gobshite independents we elect).

[QUOTE=“His Holiness Da Dalai Lama, post: 950194, member: 1503”]Labour see SF as rivals for the same vote share. Then don’t see that with FG and FF. The gains by SF, SP, PBP have largely come at the expense of Lab (a degree of SF’s increase is cutting into FF vote share).
There is never going to a coalition govt in Ireland that doesn’t involve FG or FF. The combined left just isn’t big enough. We are by and large a nation of comfortable centrists and local issue voters (hence all the gobshite independents we elect).[/QUOTE]
Could very well be changing as we see where centre/centre-right government has gotten us.

Jealous ?

Jealous of the fact that your politics are driven by a Christmas card? Not in the slightest mate. Not in the fucking slightest.

It will never change mate. We are a nation of Frans.
We’ve had almost 100 years to prove otherwise and we haven’t.

savage shouldering going on there of ming, classic oirish gombeenism


[QUOTE=“His Holiness Da Dalai Lama, post: 950194, member: 1503”]Labour see SF as rivals for the same vote share. Then don’t see that with FG and FF. The gains by SF, SP, PBP have largely come at the expense of Lab (a degree of SF’s increase is cutting into FF vote share).
There is never going to a coalition govt in Ireland that doesn’t involve FG or FF. The combined left just isn’t big enough. We are by and large a nation of comfortable centrists and local issue voters (hence all the gobshite independents we elect).[/QUOTE]
It would be big enough now easily had labour not gone in imo. If they moved narrative to spend fraction of energy attacking FG/FF as they do attacking SF/PBP/Socialists alternative would be there. Pat Rabitte spent almost entire interview on radio today attacking those on left. Typical

You can’t spell Adare without RA. Take that Anne McCabe.

Ming with that jerky fist pump he likes to do as he was being hoisted aloft after being deemed elected. Then he burst into a solo rendition of Campeone! Campeone! Garda Whistleblower John Wilson was beaming in the background along with the rest of Ming’s supporters. Nice to hear the returning officer refer to him as Luke “Ming” Flanagan similar to how Ger and Marty refer to Colm “Gooch” Cooper, Patrick “Bonnar” Maher et al.

I fear your moniker is inaccurate.

It’s Bonner Maher. Fool. After Packie Bonner.

Harsh reaction.

Fact: The pronunciation of Pat Bonner’s name as “Paki Boner” was a joke about systematic rape in Sharia Law-controlled areas of Pakistan. There was a tremendous biting political wit evident in the Irish international association football dressing room in the early 1980s.

Bonner himself would display this sharp political wit as presenter of TV3’s Champions League coverage in the early 2000s when he referred to Juventus as “Jewventus” due to his belief that they were receiving favourable treatment from referees as a result of a Zionist conspiracy.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 950117, member: 332”]Gilmore knew exactly what they were getting into yet insisted on making a load of promises to the electorate in the run up that he couldn’t keep.
They should not have entered Government if they could not ensure that at least some of their goals could be met. This would have forced a re-run of the election or else a FF-FG coalition. Either way they would be in a better situation.
If he had bided his time they would be in a position where they could be the majority party in 2016. They’ll be lucky if they aren’t wiped out now. Not only did he cost them a crack at a majority in 2016, he also cost the country the opportunity to finally have a proper left - right split.
Two years is a long time though, they are in no position to force anything for now as a general election would kill them.[/QUOTE]

Labour are never too shy about grabbing a ministerial car.

This vote counting is a very tedious business. Why don’t we implement electronic voting???


He wasn’t there today treaty!! this constituency gave the Collins mob a kick in the stone. The candidate they didn’t want tops the poll and the candidate they didn’t support also getting elected. The general election will be interesting. O Brien will go, Sinn Fein will run one. Fine Gael will probably lose one. I’d fucking love if O Brien beat Collins, sadly though he probably won’t and the mob leader will get elected

[QUOTE=“The Scouse Cafu, post: 950219, member: 2660”]Fact: The pronunciation of Pat Bonner’s name as “Paki Boner” was a joke about systematic rape in Sharia Law-controlled areas of Pakistan. There was a tremendous biting political wit evident in the Irish international association football dressing room in the early 1980s.

Bonner himself would display this sharp political wit as presenter of TV3’s Champions League coverage in the early 2000s when he referred to Juventus as “Jewventus” due to his belief that they were receiving favourable treatment from referees as a result of a Zionist conspiracy.[/QUOTE]

What has Brian Crowley ever done in his career can someone tell me?

Drafted a lot of legislation to do with agriculture I believe…