Local and European election candidates

Could he call a snap general election? :eek:


I don’t think Gilmore is the worst of them to be fair. Whoever came in after the 2011 election was always going to be tied in with the EU/IMF bailout package. There was practically no wiggle room.

Is your source Keaveney? :eek: :wink:

They’d be some thick fucks if they did. They’d be wiped out.

Would be madness for them.
As it stands I think they have two more budgets (or is it one?) which are going to be dressed up as being “soft” to allow them to get back into favour with the voters. The electorate are very fickle. They will have some grand-standing over the hard decisions in the next budget, before introducing a much kinder budget in 2015 and all will be forgiven. They will lose votes and seats but nothing on a par with what would happen if there was an election now.

Maverick independent candidate TJ Fay eliminated from the MNW European election constituency.

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 950100, member: 1552”]:slight_smile:

I don’t think Gilmore is the worst of them to be fair. Whoever came in after the 2011 election was always going to be tied in with the EU/IMF bailout package. There was practically no wiggle room.

Is your source Keaveney? :eek: ;)[/QUOTE]


I cant warm to Gilmore…

My only visit to Dail Eireann I ran into him in one of the hallways he was walking about 10 paces ahead of me… The amount of dandruff on his jacket shoulders disgusted me and it sent a shiver down my spine as I thought about him representing our dear isle with this disgusting medical infliction.

Fat Champagne Socialist :pint:

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 950100, member: 1552”]:slight_smile:
I don’t think Gilmore is the worst of them to be fair. Whoever came in after the 2011 election was always going to be tied in with the EU/IMF bailout package. There was practically no wiggle room.

Gilmore knew exactly what they were getting into yet insisted on making a load of promises to the electorate in the run up that he couldn’t keep.
They should not have entered Government if they could not ensure that at least some of their goals could be met. This would have forced a re-run of the election or else a FF-FG coalition. Either way they would be in a better situation.
If he had bided his time they would be in a position where they could be the majority party in 2016. They’ll be lucky if they aren’t wiped out now. Not only did he cost them a crack at a majority in 2016, he also cost the country the opportunity to finally have a proper left - right split.
Two years is a long time though, they are in no position to force anything for now as a general election would kill them.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 950068, member: 1”]Ah you explained and illustrated nothing.

There isn’t always a random choosing of the example 10% - and the Department of Environment documentation even mentions taking the top of the bundles.[/QUOTE]

Reference department documentation, please.

I’ll explain again, using the example of your howth-malahide ward. If for example (SF)Dara NiLaoi’s surplus was taken purely from her howth vote (last counted, by chance), then McDonagh (Lab), a portmarnock candidate, would have got none of her transfers(as is visible by the tally numbers you have). If the Ni Laoi transfers were taken wholly from her portmarnock votes. he would have gotten a much greater percentage of her transfers. The difference would greatly skew any election and is patently unfair, which is why they select at random.

I asked the returning officer/count controller on saturday. He told me they were selected at random, for this reason. This was echoed by tallymen types from FF (as good as any at rigging an election) who were suspicious of my chat with the countman.

We all know however, that anything you find on the internet is infinitely more trustworthy than real world examples or evidence.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 950150, member: 53”]Reference department documentation, please.

I’ll explain again, using the example of your howth-malahide ward. If for example (SF)Dara NiLaoi’s surplus was taken purely from her howth vote (last counted, by chance), then McDonagh (Lab), a portmarnock candidate, would have got none of her transfers(as is visible by the tally numbers you have). If the Ni Laoi transfers were taken wholly from her portmarnock votes. he would have gotten a much greater percentage of her transfers. The difference would greatly skew any election and is patently unfair, which is why they select at random.

I asked the returning officer/count controller on saturday. He told me they were selected at random, for this reason. This was echoed by tallymen types from FF (as good as any at rigging an election) who were suspicious of my chat with the countman.

We all know however, that anything you find on the internet is infinitely more trustworthy than real world examples or evidence.[/QUOTE]


Plus, there’s plenty of anecdotal stuff around if you read politics.ie about various counts over the years.

Where the number of transferable papers is greater than the surplus
only a proportion of them can be included in the surplus distribution. This proportion is
calculated by working out the ratio of the surplus to the total number of transferable
papers and applying that ratio consecutively to the total number of next preferences for
each candidate still in the running. This calculation gives the number of next
preferences for each candidate that should be included in the surplus distribution. The
resultant number of next preferences for each continuing candidate to be transferred as
part of the surplus distribution is taken from the top of his/her sub-parcel of next
preferences made up from the last parcel of votes received by the elected candidate.

Anyway, as I said earlier I think different returning officers do it differently and people get very anxious about how the surplus or other transferable votes is/are selected, and rightly so. Plus, while the tallying is done by area, I thought the ballots were not kept separate by area once they are opened.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 950160, member: 1”]http://www.environ.ie/en/Publications/LocalGovernment/Voting/FileDownLoad,1895,en.pdf

Plus, there’s plenty of anecdotal stuff around if you read politics.ie about various counts over the years.

Where the number of transferable papers is greater than the surplus
only a proportion of them can be included in the surplus distribution. This proportion is
calculated by working out the ratio of the surplus to the total number of transferable
papers and applying that ratio consecutively to the total number of next preferences for
each candidate still in the running. This calculation gives the number of next
preferences for each candidate that should be included in the surplus distribution. The
resultant number of next preferences for each continuing candidate to be transferred as
part of the surplus distribution is taken from the top of his/her sub-parcel of next
preferences made up from the last parcel of votes received by the elected candidate.

Anyway, as I said earlier I think different returning officers do it differently and people get very anxious about how the surplus or other transferable votes is/are selected, and rightly so. Plus, while the tallying is done by area, I thought the ballots were not kept separate by area once they are opened.[/QUOTE]

Ta, very much Rocko. I’ll inform the count fella next time I see him but won’t bother troubling Aileen Woods and her crew, I sensed she won’t be contesting an election anytime soon.

Do you think, therefore, that in order to ensure your vote travels, you should vote some donkey first, thereby leaving your vote near the top of all future piles.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 950117, member: 332”]Gilmore knew exactly what they were getting into yet insisted on making a load of promises to the electorate in the run up that he couldn’t keep.
They should not have entered Government if they could not ensure that at least some of their goals could be met. This would have forced a re-run of the election or else a FF-FG coalition. Either way they would be in a better situation.
If he had bided his time they would be in a position where they could be the majority party in 2016. They’ll be lucky if they aren’t wiped out now. Not only did he cost them a crack at a majority in 2016, he also cost the country the opportunity to finally have a proper left - right split.
Two years is a long time though, they are in no position to force anything for now as a general election would kill them.[/QUOTE]
It’s very unfair of you to clamp him by referring to those promises. They were just the type of thing you say during an election.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 950163, member: 53”]Ta, very much Rocko. I’ll inform the count fella next time I see him but won’t bother troubling Aileen Woods and her crew, I sensed she won’t be contesting an election anytime soon.

Do you think, therefore, that in order to ensure your vote travels, you should vote some donkey first, thereby leaving your vote near the top of all future piles.[/QUOTE]
My main aim here has been to get @Bandage to withdraw his criticism of me when he giddily jumped on the bandwagon you started. I’ll pass it on to Aileen Woods after Bandage has read it.

Irrespective of whether the distributions are random or not, you certainly get most bang for your buck by going for a donkey first and then working your way up through the also-rans before being a decisive voice at the end. I’m all for the secrecy of the ballot but it would be a nice treat if you got a text a couple of days after the election telling you what pile or piles your vote was counted in.

Kevin Sheahan (FF), Richard Donoghue (FF) and Ciara McMahon (IRA) take the remaining seats in Limerick

Sinn Fein took their first seat in the Newcastle West Council area in nearly 90 years.
Surprising given how active the IRA would have been in the area during the northern campaign.

[QUOTE=“Manuel Zelaya, post: 950015, member: 377”]What makes Brian Crowley such a big voter? Wouldn’t know anything about the guy. Hear of him for about one month in every five years and then disappears off the radar for another four years eleven months.

I don’t ever recall hearing of him making any truly memorable speeches or been involved in any big political projects.[/QUOTE]

He sends us a Christmas card every year without fail. That is enough for my vote.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 950117, member: 332”]Gilmore knew exactly what they were getting into yet insisted on making a load of promises to the electorate in the run up that he couldn’t keep.
They should not have entered Government if they could not ensure that at least some of their goals could be met. This would have forced a re-run of the election or else a FF-FG coalition. Either way they would be in a better situation.
If he had bided his time they would be in a position where they could be the majority party in 2016. They’ll be lucky if they aren’t wiped out now. Not only did he cost them a crack at a majority in 2016, he also cost the country the opportunity to finally have a proper left - right split.
Two years is a long time though, they are in no position to force anything for now as a general election would kill them.[/QUOTE]
I am sure he will be weeping as he collects the 100k plus pension

the single transferable vote system is a large part of the reason so many simpletons are elected

One Sinn Fein councillor elected in Newcastlewest and another in Rathkeale/Adare. I’m not sure if there was even a SF candidate in the constituency in the last couple of general elections.

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 950100, member: 1552”]:slight_smile:

I don’t think Gilmore is the worst of them to be fair. Whoever came in after the 2011 election was always going to be tied in with the EU/IMF bailout package. There was practically no wiggle room.

Is your source Keaveney? :eek: ;)[/QUOTE]
I agree with you on Gilmore. Was impressed with him in opposition for large parts. That said he made few big errors and annoyed me by ruling out f coalition with SF and at same time welcoming one with FG. In addition was very foolish of him to go in with FG on current deal. If he was going in needed far more on equality front. If he had stayed out there would have been great chance of SF/Labour/Green coalition going into next government. Reality is though that perhaps too many in Labour would have preference for FG/FF than left altervnative which speaks volumes for them on their ideological principles.

For fuxake… #BananaRepublic, #GobshiteNation