Local and European election candidates

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 938674, member: 1786”]You sick cunt!

This beast was on Marian Finucanes South Dublin coffee morning on Sunday. Big gruff mans voice on her and a fuck you let them eat cake attitude when quizzed about the Fine Gael women’s lunch in the Four Seasons.

I had heard she was good but jesus she came across really badly on that programme. Her business opens 365 days a year! I’m no fan of Lucinda but she’ll ate this one without salt when it comes to the election

What business is that? Open 365 days a year is offensive.

I think she’s a pharmacist

She owns a chemist with her husband. Opens all hours.

She was irritating the other day saying that in fairness Fine Gael TDs are trying their best and didn’t realise how bad things were when they got into government buildings, blah, blah, blah. Fagan’s let them eat cake analogy sums her up well