Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Iā€™d say you might need to split some of us in the Senior B. The lads on 21 mins could easily be aiming for sub 45. Those of us closer to 23 would probably do well to break 48.

Sure the top lads in Senior will be going for sub 40s, so will be a few minutes faster than the slower lads. Iā€™d have to go all out to make 48, with my current fitness levels. Iā€™d say all levels will be double +2

Yeah that sounds fair. Maybe every lad should have a personal goal to hit twice their 5km time +2 mins regardless of their classification? Let everyone work it out for themselves and group the lads based on some kind of range.

Proposed Categories March 10km Challenge
Senior - Sub 42 mins
Senior B - Sub 48
Premier Intermediate - Sub 52
Intermediate - Sub 58
Super Junior - Sub 66.

Any motions to change can be sent to @Locke. Otherwise Iā€™ll take a proposer and seconder from the floor

Ah lovely. Just the motivation I needed not to better my 5km time over the weekend. :running_man::clap::handshake:

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Not a hope. 5 k was a stretch having not run at all last year with my back. Had a great month but getting myself to complete 10k by the end of March will be satisfaction enough.

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Youā€™ll be fineā€¦ Youā€™d do a slow 7 now no probs. Couple of those and you can do one or two 8/9 ks then finish with three 10ksā€¦ Thatā€™s only 8 runs max.

you need more than a rub chief

Itā€™s nearly always the same thingā€¦ Glute /hip coming from back ā€¦ Sitting all day weakens glutes and then running leads to huge trigger point in glute. Your man is full on and itā€™s far more than a rub, he murders me and works the lower back/glute/hip for an hour - mixture of deep message, stretch and mobility. Finishes off then by clicking my spine into place, which I never get used toā€¦ I usually have to go once every 6 months regardless of activity.

Iā€™m going to buy some TRX straps I think (cc @Gman). If I do 20 minutes a couple of times a week with it, Iā€™ll sort out those issues. I can feel it in glutes now after the two road 5kms this week, but could do 20km+ on the hills and no problems.

My body felt brilliant when doing the elevation challenge last year. No niggles or injuries at all. Massive difference to road runningā€¦ The only cunt was running up hills :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@fenwaypark I presume itā€™s as much to do with stride when off road as well as softer ground?

Can the fucking ringers in the sub 25 and sub 28 be disqualified please mate. Like lads minding their golf handicaps to pick up a prize

I dont get you?

Half the runners this month were like horses trained by Charles Byrnes.


sounds like you need to strengthen your backā€¦

i had some issues but an exercise program i got sorted it right outā€¦iā€™ll ship it on to you

Piriformis is a little fucker of a muscle.

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Is it simply being off the hard surface of road that leads to less injuries or is it something to do with your stride? Your taking smaller strides and obviously running slower off roadā€¦ Lads like you who have worked on these things probably arenā€™t affected that much but the mechanics of running off road are different.

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Got it, good manšŸ‘

Hard ground and speed cause injury. If you are on trails, softer ground means you are going to be running slower.