Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Do yā€™all carry a bottle of water on ye?

Not for anything under 22k


For a marathon/half marathon youā€™d take water when offered and a jel every 5kms after you hit the 10km/(8km half) mark. Thatā€™s the advice I got and it gets me around. For 10km hydrate before the run, take a piss then go for it.

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How long should you leave after youā€™ve had your water.

Nothing worse than stitch when youā€™re in a match/running.

merge junior and inter B, i want a crack off choco and his ropey hamstrings

Drink throughout the day instead of a big drink just priorā€¦ Thatā€™s a recipe for a piss 20 mins in. I recommend caffeine of some sort approx 30 mins before running.

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Iā€™d walk faster than youā€™ll run 10k

possibly, if you ever managed the distance without your hammer going :smiley:

Lovely little bite to the @artfoley and @Thomas_Brady rivalry.

Almost up there with the TB v @Fran, TB v @Locke and TB v @Bandage rivalries, before they all became too fast for him

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youre a bad man cauli

I went up against full time runners with only a few weeks under my belt on each occasionā€¦ My will and determination are Undefeated.

you cant spell determination without DNR

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Iā€™m not on my death bed just yet pal.

your times are commesurate with someone on their death bed

DNR - Did Not Race (abbreviations.com)

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

Unlike your running times

You can leave me in that group @locke but I wonā€™t be going sub 48. I only barely broke 50 in the first 10k challenge and my pb is 48:40 or something. I wonā€™t beat that in a month. Iā€™ll aim for sub 50 and anything closer to 48 is a bonus.

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Iā€™ve put the fear of God into a lot of lads in just 5 weeksā€¦ Iā€™ve a rake of you mentally destroyed.

Hereā€™s my fastest 10k since I turned 40, a young whippersnapper like you should have trouble beating it

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Iā€™m expecting sub 50 from you