Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Did a handy 14.5k this morning in 90 minutes. Still building up distance for an attempt at a quicker 10k. Was only a 6ish min per k run so was still going strong at the end which was good for me. Will keep going at easy pace and adding distance before giving it a crack


I’ve done a couple of marathons abroad in the afternoon evening which were 30 degrees starting off, but cooled to mid twenties. Not humid though.
Suncream, loads of it.
Get a white nylon cap with a towelling head band if you can, and put a sponge soaked with cold water under it. Resoak at every opportunity. It makes a huge difference.


I found running 5/6/7 km runs at fastish pace really helped me increase the pace for the 10km.


First 5km** in about a year today.

It’d leave me comfortably in Junior A in the 5km classifications with a bit of scope to improve. I doubt I can get under 28 but we’ll see where the next few months take me.

Hoping to get inside the 10km Junior mark too. Haven’t done that distance since the 3rd leg of a triathlon in 2018. :face_vomiting:

**I shan’t be posting it as that bastarding strava left me metres short of the 5km :smiley: :roll_eyes:


12k at 5:12 pace this morning. Nice and handy but my HR might say otherwise. Slight soreness still in side of knee so keeping it handy for at least the next week.


Courtesy of Matty.
Mostly grass and trail.
1 (one) degree cc @RaymondCrotty


Throw it up mate. It’s like AA in here.

Short MTB spin this morning. Will hit some mountains in morning. That’s lovely clipping @flattythehurdler. Are the trails fairly flat?

Contact Liverpool FC’s doctor

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On the road, nearest track is a bit of a trek.

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Strava has been shaving metres off my routes too.

@cluaindiuic and @Biff_Egan

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Cheers. I saw you post that earlier but don’t see the ‘Distance (?)’ option when I log into the mobile site

What do we think of the belt on this lad?

What makes you think the data is inaccurate? What are you taking it from, phone or watch?
That’s 80m,

Looks like he’s off to Charlie Hebdo.


The watch logged the same distance as 5.02km. I suspect that was an outlier as the watch and strava were almost spot on last time out with only a 10m difference.

No idea then sorry. Are you still recording off the Fitbit?

Exactly. The armed response unit will take him out