Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

No, weight, stretching, yoga, Pilates, core, loads of class types.

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Knew that my runners were dead the other day when I started getting a twinge in my Achilles, could barely put any weight on that ankle last night…

Gonna have to try and look at alternative ways to build up my stamina* for the next 2 weeks so that I can have another crack at the 10k before end of month

*And strengthen the ankle/alleviate the tendon pain

Cool. I’ve free yoga and pilates through work but the times never work out for me so never make them. Hard to get shit done at home like that

It’s 12.99 a month in tanland, but we all use it.
The strength instructors would hand it back to you.
It’s actually really useful. I generally do upper body or full body 30 minute strength classes, followed by 10 mins core class, at intermediate or advanced.
Herself and my lass use it for the bike. Works out at about 50p a class I’d say between us. It’s really good. You just need dumbbells and a mat. There’s bodyweight classes as well if you don’t have dumbbells though.

Happy enough with that for a first attempt. Can’t imagine I’ll take much off it, conditions were perfect today and I’ll probably only do another 2 or 3 max of these this month. My JBuds wouldn’t pair with my watch for love nor money this morning so I had to do this sans podcast, having that distraction the next time might eke a few more seconds out.


First little 5.5km jaunt with my Flipbelt, Garmin Vivoactive 4 and new runners earlier. Still used my phone (in Flipbelt with keys) for music as haven’t managed to get the Garmin to sync with my headphones. Music gave up after a couple of kilometres and didn’t know whether to blame phone, Flipbelt or what. Turned out my life partner had cut off my Spotify from home in a fit of pique after a pre run row. So my technology and running wanker paraphernalia actually held up well. Will be back at it tomorrow morning.




Any of you ever created a route on Strava and then use that route for a run? Say if it’s an area you’re unsure of with various turns etc. Is there a way to have this active when you’re running to stop going off on the wrong road or track?

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No idea pal…

Real debate is:

Free train v flip belt

Nothing better than an auld argument to set off you off for an angry PB time

The free train vest looks a bit restrictive to me, I might be wrong.

The beauty of the flip belt is that you genuinely do not realise it’s there, no matter what you have in it

I do it the whole time on Garmin Connect for mountain runs. I spend a bit of time on Google satellite maps trying to find various lines on and off mountains.

I used to do it for my old cycling club on Strava but it’s a Strava Premium feature now and fuck that.

Bra or bum bag

Decisions decisions

Where can I do it on Garmin Connect? I’ve created the route on Strava and am trying out Premium for the free month so shouldn’t be a blocker

Training - Courses - Create Course

I do it on the computer and then send to device.

Looks like my Garmin doesn’t support Courses :roll_eyes:

If I had a Flipbelt today I would have got some absolutely smashing photos that would have no doubt got me a “nice reply” on the inane scenery thread

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The device itself? Think on the watch itself I go into training and courses as well.

I get this message when I try to send to device. My own fault for choosing a veenu over a forerunner