Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

My ankle was very tight this morning when I got up but seems to have loosened up now. It felt like the ligaments on the inside of the left ankle had about an inch of them removed.

Get yourself a foam roller or a massage gun. Spend as much time using them as you do running and theyā€™ll be your best friend

Some morning for it in the blossoming south side.


Iā€™ve never done either of those things, Iā€™m sure theyā€™re effective but weā€™ve different needs I suppose.

The run you did the other day was very impressive @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, I wonder did you go overboard though in terms of distance and pace. By the end Iā€™d say you were pounding the road, if you feel your form going then itā€™s best to stop.

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We could have passed each other kidā€¦


Massage guns are only a codā€¦

Sauntered through 7ā€¦ 10 was the plan but after poor preparation the intestines decided at 5km that 10 was not in the stars todayā€¦thankfully the detour carried me home and relief was obtained.

Lovely morning for it though.

might go for 10k out around the peninsula next weekend, home turf the sea air and being imbued with the spirit of St. Jamesā€™s is a potent mix.


Tough enough one this morning. Conditions were perfect so we took a shorter route up Foye. The French lad decided weā€™d fire a bit of light rock climbing/ scrambling into the mix. Had about 400 metres elevation by 2km into it. We were trying to find a descent we didnā€™t find before so were messing about a bit. Views were spectacular over to the Mournes but neither of us brought a phone. The descent was steep but I was moving well. Glanced at watch at one stage and it was -31% gradient. For once I was leading the way down (French lad said afterwards he couldnā€™t keep up) but rolled the ankle at the bottom, about halfway through our run. Made the remainder of the run a bit of a slog but ankle doesnā€™t seem too bad. A few days rest and I should be back at it.


Iā€™m still feeling a little bit of tightness right at the bottom of my arse / very top of hamstringā€¦ Where they meet. Any good stretches to target very high hamstring? Iā€™ll have to get the hockey ball in there, the foam roller not really doing it.

If you try and bend down with your head touching your feet or as close as you can get and then move your hand back toward the hamstring and shove your thumb up your hole it should do the trick.

But other than that I donā€™t know. Iā€™m very old school in that I never really bothered much with stretching in my peak years.


Likewise, I never stretched in my life when there was nobody making me do it

But when I do PE lessons I never shut up about how important they are :man_shrugging:


I can feel it these days.

We used have ice baths after training in my playing days which certainly helped.

Only matters after a run imo

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As in itā€™s little use beforehand but very important after?

Very much depends on individual. I do fuckall of it, but should do more.

I havenā€™t gone near the foam roller in over a month. I know my calves will scream when I do. I am going to work more on my core strength this year. But Iā€™ve said that every year for the last three years, and havenā€™t :man_shrugging:

If you can afford peloton app, itā€™s great for classes. Free month trial I think.

On the bike? I canā€™t set up the turbo here as I reckon the young wan will run into the room and stick her hand through the back wheel :see_no_evil:

My new TRX straps arrived the other day and Iā€™ll be getting stuck into that

45:24 for the 10k.

Delighted with that. Started off with the intention of a handy run, but then pushed on a bit, got a little bit tired, but then pushed on again for the last km.


Youā€™ll have a fair chunk knocked off that by foolā€™s day

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Warm up more than stretch, losing elasticity.

We used to have a manager that would make you stretch everything for 30 secs before a game, muscles would be like ropes for the first 10 minsā€¦

Dynamic worm up and if you feel the need a 5 sec stretch of certain musclesā€¦

I wouldnā€™t really warm up for runs unless I was looking to beat a time or something. Each to their own.

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