Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

First time leaving off the tights today.
Serious chaffing.

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@Bandage: make sure you plan your long run for next Saturday. Tell your wife around Thursday of this, and tell her that you donā€™t want to take anything away from her day on Sunday (Motherā€™s Day).


What kind of shorts were you wearing?

Gaelic by the sounds of it.

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My running ones, I think was more the jocks. Never put on my sports ones.

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Lash sudocrem on before the run

Donā€™t wear jocks. Running shorts generally come with a liner inside. Thatā€™s all you need.

You have to wash the shorts after every wear then?
I always wear jocks, fuckit I donā€™t think I do anything right :grinning:


I have about five pairs of running shorts, and I run max three days a week so Iā€™ve always got clean shorts.

Do you take the liner of the shorts out if youā€™re going to wear jocks as well?

If Iā€™d worn my sports jocks Iā€™d have been grand, just forgot them cause they werenā€™t needed with the tights.

Sports jocks are keyā€¦normal jocks will rip you apart

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Have to wear training jocks, as in mini cycling shorts. The chaffing isnā€™t worth it. Vaseline is your only man.

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I had an ā€œincidentā€ this morning. I wear shorts with integral liners/underpants. Somehow this morning in the dark (blinds closed), I managed to put them on inside out without noticing. I then did 10k in and around a fairly busy back to school didsbury.
When I got back I realised to my alarm that Iā€™d just spent an hour running round didsbury in effectively a codpiece.
When herself , who had tears from laughing at it managed to catch her breath, her first statement/question was ā€œyou didnā€™t see anyone we know did you?ā€


Oh Flatty, please donā€™t ever change


@flattythehurdler and matt out running this morning

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Most enjoyable run in a long time this morning. Calves are absolutely burning after it but it feels fantastic. A grand break at the top too to recharge.


Thatā€™s good clipping with that elevation

Iā€™m going to take a few days rest here. Ankle not too bad this morning (a little bothersome overnight) but below the knee is a little painful today (Iā€™d say one triggered the other kind of job). I looked back at Strava last night and the KM that I rolled ankle on was -278m. If it wasnā€™t single track, it might have been a useful one for a fast km challenge.

I was averaging above 6 until the descent. Didnā€™t stretch myself but didnā€™t come down easy either. Itā€™s outside my 5k but on a Monday morning itā€™s completely empty. Would be mobbed at weekend

Yeah, we are going further and further away from the main tracks so we tend not to meet many people, only proper hikers. Came down a grassy path for last 2km yesterday and met four mountain bikers, two runners and about a dozen walkers.

This would be a part of our route yesterday @mac (not my image, google imaged it). We would have eventually gone down to the right
