Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

That is lovely.

Wow, thatā€™s savage. My hills are mere dimples by comparison. Iā€™ll give Mt Leinster a crack when things open back up again

I cycled that once from the Myshall side and then down by the cattle grate. Bidda lord! Late May, really hot morning. Enniscorthy to Myshall via Bunclody (cc @Fitzy) and back. The heat at 08:30 going up the steep bit, unrale.


The highest point here is Slieve Foye and itā€™s actually slightly lower than Keeper Hill which is over the road from my parentsā€™ place. You can run up the road to Keeper on gravel fire road the whole way to top, about 8.5km. Iā€™ve done it in road runners. Foye is a much, much steeper climb (we got from road to summit in 2km or so yesterday which is definitely the shortest route we ever made of it). Usually with the climbs, itā€™ll be the descents that are most technical, but when you start doing a bit of open mountain, it gets very enjoyable. Youā€™d want your wits about you though. I told the French lad that when I get laser done on the eyes in a few years time, he wonā€™t be able to catch me on descents as Iā€™ll be able to see the lines better :rofl:

I love slowly jogging on them. Sometimes these things can look more daunting in an image than when youā€™re actually moving through them. Thereā€™s usually some kind of a path you can follow, many of them trails used by sheep more than people. At this time of the year, you can run over heather etc., but thatā€™ll get trickier in the summer. We think weā€™ve covered nearly every trail on the mountains here (we spotted one patch in the distance one day that we hadnā€™t ticked off so will try it soon). Not bad for two lads from Tipp and Brittany.


Skippingā€¦ By god.

About 2 mins and I was fucked. Serious bidness.

@Thomas_Brady has a new fadā€¦ well I never


Thomas Brady has a nice back yard now.

East facing though, not that great.

That looks savage

@Locke you can remove that DNF next to my name. I might get out before end of March.



Ours is at an angle kidā€¦ Gets the sun from around 5.30/ 6.

Up yer bollix.

Iā€™ve been looking at that skipping rope for about 4 years @Raylanā€¦ The Mrs owns it, kept meaning to try it but didnā€™t wanna kill myself dead in a gym ā€¦ Killing yourself out a back yard is less embarrassing.

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You do your own thing and donā€™t explain yourself to anyone.

Iā€™m hoping to entice a conversation on skipping on the thread more so than explaining myself to a lad that hasnā€™t the guts to try anything himself. Heā€™s a typical cheap seats man that fella.

@artfoley - did you take up skipping last year?

I bought a nice rope and did a bit last summer.

I was just thinking i must start back.

Thereā€™s a few YouTube videos worth looking to start off

Itā€™s tough going

My reflection in the patio door makes it easier to judgeā€¦ But the heart rates jumps massively ā€¦ I did have 7 ales/beers last night. Iā€™ll give it a rattle again tomorrow but It will take some going to be able to get up to 2 minutes non stop.

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I did. Twas good bit difficult to get the hang of. Make sure you have a good rope and a flat surface. Good hand eye coordinator is a serious plus

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Iā€™ll give any TFKer who takes a holiday up here in the summer a guided run on the mountains.

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