Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Iā€™ll be going for a run later. I feel inspired!

Iā€™ll be around with a sledgehammer to put a dent in your time, and legs.

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My great pal and lapsed forum member @Cesc4 is encouraging me to do the Great Limerick Run on the May bank holiday. A virtual affair and you can choose your distance from 5km or possibly 10km (I think) up through the the levels (10 miles, half marathon, 20 miles, marathon). I guess I could work towards doing the 10 miles.

Great stuff. A lot of soft cunts (cc @Thomas_Brady) would have been put off by the windy conditions this morning so I felt the thread needed the impetus of my run.


Fucking wind!! Sure itā€™s with you a long as itā€™s against you ffs! MTFU!

What wind? Itā€™s a beautiful day today after two days of gale force winds battering us.

The Great Limerick Run 2016 was my first ever road race. I did the half marathon and it was a smashing experience.

Good man @Bandage. A great time. I ran 10k today in lovely wind and sun. Stopped twice though so no time to report. Very happy with my progress. Will be targeting sub 55 whenever o do actually run 10k properly. Also got a nice coffee afterwards with no cake and it started hail stoning there as soon a s I got in! Wonderful.


Guess again. Ainā€™t no way Iā€™m running more than 10k. I ainā€™t getting on no plane.

Iā€™m here rolling the foot with a golf ball. Thereā€™s a storm due here but if it passes, I might be hitting a few trails this evening.

Thatā€™s what we all said.

Half the thread will be doing a marathon in 2022 the rate we are going.


Iā€™ll be in the other half. But Iā€™ll be sub 23 for my 5k at that stage.

Great Limerick run in 2010 I think ā€¦ 1.32ā€¦ I ran Ballybunion 5 weeks earlier in 1.42 and my only training was 30 laps of Mary I pitch the week before. BallyB set me up well for Limerickā€¦ The homeward run back from the Gaelic Grounds to town killed me tho. I celebrated with 12 pints watching Munster being bate and couldnā€™t walk from stiffness when I got up off my chair to head to the Peony court for a 3 in 1 later that evening. I quit running that night.


nearly have me thinking of doing something this eveningā€¦

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Cc @Fran



Canā€™t get the fcuking thing to play music though :rage::rage::rage:
Will try it out tomorrow. I think itā€™s linked to Strava, but who knows.

Thatā€™s a nice looking watch, how much did it set you back?

Did a handy 10km there, windy out and blown back. 55:03


im after plotting a lovely courseā€¦


nice climb near the end to ā€œearn itā€

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