Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

It’s absolutely brilliant stuff. Great for cycling also.

Well done to @Bandage for this morning’s run. I won’t steal his thunder but safe to say I had to update the chart.

:clap: :clap:

Thank you @Locke. Make sure you award me 55:07 now (see personal records below).

I set out with a 55 minute target after last week’s 56:31 so I have a tinge of regret. My course was the same as last week too, bar a slight detour into Killester village in the last 500m.

My splits going into the wind and the undulating terrain between the 4th & 6th kilometres cost me. Although I should have put more into the last 1.5kms to make the target.

But sure I’ll have another couple of cracks at it before the end of March.


The heart rate for the last km is the marker of a true warrior.


Great running. How do you find the watch?

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He just looks to his wrist I assume.


That’s some heart rate you’ve put out there chief, fair play.

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I think he deserves a box full of pastries after that.


Watches slightly exaggerate the HR. But he must have been really expressing himself nonetheless.

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The Archbishop of Banterbury.

HR on a watch is only a cod.

Any lad not wearing a chest strap may as well forget about it.


Would the flip belt not be detecting a pulse for you?

Brilliant stuff pal. Improving every run.

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The watch has changed my life in ways I never thought possible.

It tells me when I’m stressed and need to breathe. It tells me when my body battery is drained and I need to nap. It tells me about the quality of my sleep. I got an unprecedented 7hr 30min sleep last night and felt in the mood to try the 10km after that. It’s probably more mental than anything.

I haven’t even mentioned the other useful run specific stuff on the clock face like distance, pace, time, heart rate, calories etc.

The Flipbelt is just the icing on the cake.

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I found my chest strap clip at the weekend. Lashed out an average of 134bpm on my 9min+/km hill jog :rofl:

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Every second counts in a time trial and putting everything into those last few hundred metres could be the difference between being 4th or 5th in Intermediate B at the end of the month.


Speaking of which, you deserve a treat after that effort.

I’m guessing the natural progression of this series is a 10 miler (April?) and then a half marathon (May?).

@Bandage: the gains you’ve made the last month, you’ve a solid half in you this year.

As always, I finished my run either in or close to the village to allow for cafe visit. “One Americano please”, I said to the lady.

I haven’t had a pastry in around 6/7 weeks.

“You can’t outrun a bad diet.” - @TreatyStones, 3 February, 2021.

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


There’s a real feel good vibe to this thread this morning. It’s making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside