Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Analyze your Performance with Heart Rate Data – Strava Support

No follow backs @flattythehurdler ?

Spinal mobility/ stretches, some core exercise like a plank where you tense your ab muscles and 2 minutes of box breathing before you run @artfoley should prevent them

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I don’t quite know how yet. I’ve managed to follow two people but need to work out
1 how to get my HR to display on Strava
2 how to follow someone

if @caulifloweredneanderthal follows you, youll have an option to follow back. alternatively look up their profile on strava and there should be a follow button beside their name. click it!

Think I’ve done both. :crossed_fingers::thinking:

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I haven’t a clue to be honest, it must be well over 30 years since I had a stitch, I thought only kids got them?

its been a bloody long time since i got one too, thats why im flummoxed

Are you on the TFK group Art? I’ll follow you too.

My profile is on private @flattythehurdler so I think you’ve to request to follow me.

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Good man cauli, I am indeed


I see the hardcore runners are starting to get a bit sneery.

Did this Monday. Went out Wednesday then for a slow run and was bollixed. Had to pack it in after 6km. Gonna do a handy few runs then go for broke at the end of the month.



my standards have slipped significantly since i was running regularly back in 2016, so its a fair cop

Oh that wasn’t meant to be an oooft statement :astonished:

Ya right

Another shot tonight, according to the splits I’m 52 on the button for the 10km, I’m going to need a judges call on this


Did you get any awards? They should give you the 10 k time exactly

Not stopping for a piss in the middle of a run will save you half a minute, I’d concentrate on that before investing in a running jacket.

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Good shout!