Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Tremendous, well done. Heroic final kilometre to hit the 52 mark exactly. Iā€™m incredibly fucking proud of you.


Youā€™re bang on there mate. No doubt. Excellent effort

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Lovely downhill finish to bring it home :clap:


I have to admit, I didnā€™t think I was going to make it, I thought I was way off the time. The support was amazing for the last km, in truth I couldnā€™t have done it without them, or God.


Is 52 minutes sub 52 or is it relegation on goal difference ?

Itā€™s not in my mind, 51:59 is sub 52 but I donā€™t know the intricate rules on these things

This is a massive moment for @Lockeā€™s stewardship. It will be fascinating to see what he does next.

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@Locke will do whatever he feels is right* and his judgement will be accepted without objection

*if he knows whatā€™s good for him

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This is like having Cody on a referees committeeā€¦


I agree with you, 51:59 is sub 52 mins. You did some effort and you know you have it in you to beat it but technically you could get relegated.

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My longest run in a couple of years. Nowhere near level I used to be at but incremental progress.


10 miles is a great distance, no joke and needs to be respected. Fair play.

And technically twelve steps is twelve steps, but technicalities never bothered a Kilkenny bolox before.


What temperature??

Right, so itā€™s my fault now that @Fran couldnā€™t find a steeper hill to run down in order to find the second he needed to go sub 52 mins? Fair enough.



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30 degrees. Next month is hotter again. I had to stop two times to buy water and donā€™t think strava keeps the clock ticking for that?!

Think Iā€™m out of action for this weekend. Did a short road run to test out the ankle yesterday morning and itā€™s been niggling away since last night. If weather ok, might try and take road bike out for something low impact tomorrow

Sweet Jesus. Thatā€™s some effort. Well done.

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I canā€™t figure out how to work out my fastest 10k but reckon it may dip under 48 mins.
It was really muddy for stretches which slowed us down as it was so slippy.

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