Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Tipping downstairs for a coffee a couple of times a day? No.

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Just donā€™t look at your eatch

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If I wear a long sleeve top , I tend to cover the watch with the sleeve. Iā€™ve also dimmed the screen on occasion so that I canā€™t see it

@caulifloweredneanderthal hup outta that


Thatā€™s top class, fierce impressive :clap:

Question is, what did you eat before and during, how did you carry water? :grinning:


I expected that question believe it or not.

Breakfast was a 40g bowl of porridge with about 170ml of Low Fat Super Milk, a cup of tea and one of those Boots Berocca yokes. I had a home made flat white as i was heading out the door then. Iā€™d say I had about 300ml of water over the morning.

Iā€™d to stop in the Petrol station along the way so on impulse I bought a bottle of Lucozade sport which I havenā€™t had in years. I drank this on the drive out.

I carried 2 Super Valu kids 250ml bottles in the side pockets of the Decathlon shorts that @caulifloweredneanderthal recommended. My phone was in the back pocket. In the front pocket I had my car key and a pack of those caffeine jelly beans.

I drank no water till i got to the highest point which was around 8-9k and 55 mins in where I stopped for my only break. I had a piss too and when I saw how yellow it was I figured I better drink a bit more. I had 2 (two) jelly beans also.

Every time the watch vibrated from then on I tried to take a tiny bit of water. I had two (2) other jelly beans around the 13km where I elected to break from a run to a fast walk up a fairly steep hill.

I knew I had enough water that when I got to 20km I even doused a small bit on my head to cool me down as I was boiling. I had 2 sports bottle of water left in the car. One got drank fairly quickly and Iā€™m currently supping on the 2nd one having added an electrolyte dissolvable tablet into it.

Iā€™ll murder a few whiskies tonight


Savage stuff :clap:

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On a more serious note, Iā€™ve only ever done 1 half marathon before so am buzzing a bit here. Anytime I went beyond 10 miles on the road I just got bored. So monotonous and hard on the legs. Running around trails or paths is like a different thing altogether. I was fucked by the end of it but would have happily kept going longer.

If youā€™ve never run on a trail just give it a try. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s hilly or not, just so different and you can feel the bounce in your step.

Almost like in horse racing where they bring a horse who has gone sour, out hunting and jumping over ditches.


Great run pal

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Very interesting.

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Just got back into doing a few 5ks again guys.

Iā€™m having some problems with my arches, I know I tend to wear shoes to the outside.

Do you guys use insoles when running?


Train your feet.

Iā€™m running on roads though and my left foot is usually landing on a higher position than a right with the ways the roads kind of slant to the verge. I donā€™t have any issue with the 5k distance but when I did 10k I could feel my ankle and arches on my left foot were getting quite painful. Took 2 or 3 weeks to clear, is it more a case of just getting miles in the legs?

Might be getting miles in the legs, building up the left ankle as itā€™s not used to the prolonged strain.

Helps to run in the different direction to give the foot striking at a higher angle a break I find.

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Youā€™re running in Kayano if memory serves me, you canā€™t put an insole in a support shoe.
If you want to go down that road youā€™ll have to start fresh, if you visit an insole specialist like Foot solutions theyā€™ll 100% try to sell you insoles.
Build up the mileage gradually, concentrate on landing softly, if you tire too much and feel youā€™re hitting the ground hard just stop


Set a pb for the 5k this morning. 19:36. Delighted with it.


Wow, thatā€™s superb, about 15 seconds behind mine, weā€™d have a great race, I always said it :grinning:

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Savage. You could go sub 17 if you join a club and get some guidance.


5k is annoying. I was bolloxed finishing but within an hour I was thinking I could have gone faster.