Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Well played @count_of_monte_crist :rofl:

Although I have broken both my legs, the ankles, knees and hips are in good order and I intend to keep them that way

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If you’re in good shape like you suggest then running will be beneficial for your knees, ankles and hips unless you’re an awkward old chap.
Terrible myth around running that prevents people from giving it a go and shortening and reducing the quality of their lives in the process. Unless you’re doing other cardio?

I well and truly emptied the @Tank there.

@Mac put me down for 82:55 for 10 miles.

I went out much quicker than I intended, it must have been race day excitement and tension.

But you have to remember that I’m someone that rises to the occasion whether it be an U12 county final, a high stakes credit committee meeting or a bedroom.

I held on grimly between 11km and 15km and then opened up my legs and expressed myself for the final km.


Absolutely brilliant running :clap:

Doesn’t look like Strava has given you a 10 mile time strangely enough though


Am I disqualified?

youll have to go back out and do it again within 24 hours


Did you sign up for the great Limerick run?

Brilliant Bandage.

Giving you the 10th like for your ten miler.

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The TKFL21RCC will review the time & strava details over the weekend and revert back

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Yes, I did. It says it on the first screen shot above too.

Fucking NIAC would review the data quicker than that.


Well then go and run in a fucking NIAC challenge then


Brilliant effort. Well done mate. :clap::clap::clap:

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great moderating pal :smiley:

Beat my target for the month today.

Recent purchase of a knock off flipbelt allowing me to listen to a bit of music is responsible for a minute or two of my improvement I’d say.

Lovely combo of the Galtee Mountain Boy, Shipping Up to Boston and Enter Sandman at the end possibly not good for the heart but helped to get me just under the 55min mark (along with possibly the flattest route in Limerick).


Great stuff, but you have to put up the map :man_shrugging:

@Bandage im blown away again by your progress, you’re now running 16k at a faster pace than you could go 3k a couple of months ago

This challenge is running until the June weekend right @Mac



My knock off flipbelt made it’s debut today. GAMECHANGER.


I’m surprised they don’t use them in the Olympics.