Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Thanks The target pace was supposed to be 4:50 but I couldn’t keep at that and was closer to 4:37 most of the time. Wind was howling and freezing and I loved every minute of it. Been a long time since I enjoyed running as much. Taking much less effort than usual


Thanks lads. I was saying to Fenners in our eve of race zoom meeting earlier that I’m actually a bit nervous. I’m a man that craves routine and new experiences unnerve me. First non-parkrun race and there’ll be 2k-3k milling around so definitely out of my comfort zone and I could be overwhelmed. I just need to try to get over the imposter syndrome and get on with it. Get started and try to find a rhythm.


Open up your legs and express yourself


Just remember what razor Ramon said pal - hard work pays off and dreams come true … tough times don’t last but tough guys do


You have great work done, you can go faster than you believe, if you find you’ve gone quicker than you wanted to at the start don’t worry, your body will tell you when it’s time to rein yourself in.
It’s gonna be a great day for you, be very proud of yourself, it’s a remarkable journey


Best of luck to @Bandage. I might be in attendance tomorrow as an acquaintance of mine is taking part in it. Let me know what you would like me to hoot and holler at anyone who I suspect is you.


Don’t worry how it all goes tomorrow @Bandage. Try to enjoy it.

You’re a winner* by getting yourself to the starting line. That block of training is incredible. You’ve inspired a forum full of strangers who’ll be only hoping for the best from you tomorrow. You’ll be mopping up the likes round here tomorrow.

*There’ll only be one winner and they’ll be long home before you.


How’s the tapering going kid

@Bandage go fucking smash this shit… You’ve been putting in endless hours training for this, like a proper cunt. Tomorrow you go out and justify it. All the mental and physical barriers you had to smash to get here, go out and do your family, your county and your message board proud.


Bromance of the century :heart_eyes:

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Two of the good guys


It’s like one of those teen movies where the cheerleader takes the emo goth geeky kid under their wing a does a makeover and changes their life

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stick to the process - if that means ayting a coffee slice in supervalu killester on the way round so be it


I’d say @fenwaypark won’t sleep with the nerves of it all tonight.

*or two

Mrs @fenwaypark will be wondering why he’s checking the phone every 5 minutes from 11:30am onwards tomorrow.

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Good luck @Bandage

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Will you head out to the route early and chalk “Allez Bandage” on the road somewhere around Kilbarrack or Bayside? And then run alongside me, pouring water over my head. Just like a Tour de France mountains stage.


I’m fully tapered. I’m going to go to bed shortly, I won’t even watch the Toy Show.

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