Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

An absolutely killer 16th-18th km stretch on the beach on way back with the crosswind. My mind started telling me to give up from around 13km on, it was very tough but you feel good afterwards for battling through.


A Chinese a 13 beers will sort youā€¦ Donā€™t worry about hydrating.


Solid all throughout and finished strong. Inspirational stuff.

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Savage effort and well deserved. Conditions far from ideal with the wind and cold. Enjoy the beers and take it easy for a few weeks.


Unbelayvable running.

This is the greatest transformation story seen since Barry Nash went corner back.


The amount of likes @Bandage is going to get today between this and the Ravenous and assorted beer threads for his refuelling should be incentive enough for the rest of ye to go out and do this

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Savage running @Bandage - fair play :clap:

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Respect :clap::clap:

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My acquaintance got himself a top 10 finish and sub 1:20.



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Mudderagawd - outrageous running

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Top class bandage. Give us a quick synopsis of your ā€˜journeyā€™ over the last while. Where were you at how long ago before coming under fenways tutelage? Had you donā€™t much running before etc?

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Before: fat, slow, bald
Now: slim, fast, bald


With apologies to those whoā€™ve read this before. Basically started doing a bit of running in around 2015. Wasnā€™t too fat then. Was a 5:00/km man but never ran more than token 5km loops.

Got progressively fatter in intervening years: life happened, 2 children, 1 a terrible (non) sleeper, rushing everywhere, down to 100 TFK posts per day, less exercise, more snacking, tired but still running some evenings, token plods though. Was probably a 5:30-5:40/km man at turn of year.

Then @caulifloweredneanderthal set up TFK 2021 Lockdown Run Challenge and I havenā€™t looked back from there. I did the 5km and 10km challenges in February and March, did a 10 mile virtual race in April.

I also joined TFK Strava group and embraced the supportive community. A while later @fenwaypark spotted the deep reservoir of untapped potential in me and won a competitive tender to provide coaching services.

Heā€™s put me through my paces over the last number of months and coached me to going sub 22 minutes for 5km and sub 1hr 40 mins for the half marathon via specific blocks of training for each.

Iā€™ve lost about 20kg in weight since the start of the year both from the focused training and tidying up my diet.

Thatā€™s it in a nutshell. Iā€™m more than happy to travel to your business, club or school to give a pep talk about my transformational journey. I have different rates based on how long I speak and whether you choose the impersonal/fact only or the enhanced/emotive option. PM for details.


Very impressive. What percentage would you put dowm to the runnung vs diet? You were a devil for the medley of sweeta and desserts before bed

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20kg flipping heck. Do you do bar mitzvahs?

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@fenwayparkā€™s inbox will be bulging come Jan 2nd


@Bandage is the only person I will be ā€˜coachingā€™. This will continue up to his marathon in May.

As I said, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. There is no secret to his improvement. Itā€™s structured training couple with dedication. Itā€™s a very simple formula.

@bandage, this is a down week. Any runs this week should be very easy i.e. no quicker than 5.30 min per k and no longer than 50 mins.


Did you punch the air when you saw the time land on Strava?

GIF by Liverpool FC

@fenwaypark giving it the big one going round the kitchen yesterday morning when the news broke.