Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Heā€™s a low achiever pal. We dare to dream big and set big goals and while we donā€™t always achieve those targets weā€™ve a certain set of standards that we donā€™t dip below. Heā€™s measuring the wind, looking for hills and measuring himself against lower tiers to make himself look betterā€¦ Itā€™s a loserā€™s mindset.

I went quicker. My start point was easily 500m back up the road and I was coasting under 5mins/k pace. I was going down a slight incline (yurt) and could see 6 mins pace, wtf!! The 1km beep went off, said 5:30 pace. Timer stopped twice too. Will bring the phone with me the next time. But youā€™re right, more in me. We go again.

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No, itā€™s every second Saturday. Iā€™ll head back on Sunday and try to do a fast run on the course.

Before laying down the gauntlet next Saturday morning. We may get it livestreamed somehow

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A for fuck sake, I was waiting to hear the good news all day. Itā€™s not meant to be flatty

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Thereā€™s serious training going on for it :grinning:
A lad that was behind me the last day was running 400s at 2:48 pace yesterday :flushed:

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67 seconds for 400? Thereā€™s days Iā€™d be happy with that pace on the bike

A frank and Walters play list with a mantra of we are cork in the middle of each song could be the difference maker

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No music. A big no no in racing circles.

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You never see a serious runner running with ear phones in


Fuck thatā€¦ Iā€™ll be listening to Undefeated Mind when I crush your time.

Whyā€™s that

Its dangerous as you need to be aware of those running near you.

The bone conducting earphones are very good for that


Theyā€™re a cunt of a thing if youā€™re listening to a podcast while running along a main road with traffic. You can never hear a thing

Reason they donā€™t train with them is they are concentrating. Focused on what they are supposed to be doing. Also donā€™t race with them so no point training wearing them.

Audible will change your life in ways you never thought possible.

I find the music/podcast is a great distraction from the mental struggles of faster runs


I never run with earphones.


I was chatting to an Olympic medalist once who told me the average middle race is not really hard til the last lap or two (depending on distance). The hard part they said is staying mentally engaged to stay out of trouble/watch for moves. It was all flow. It was hard to comprehend really that running can be so effortless at that level. Theyā€™d win or lose a race based on when they went or if they went around at a corner rather than wait for the opening to come naturally.

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