Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

:flushed::watch::running_man:‍♂ :sweat:

We need Strava only entries really so we can scour over data.

Juhy clearly acting the bollix but he needs one in the win column these days so I’m happy to ignore his cheating

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for some reason strava isnt recording my heart rate.

any known fixes?

Clearly, you don’t have a heart to record.


Has @caulifloweredneanderthal stopped looking for the elapsed time screenshot? He demanded that from me. I’m being discriminated against here.


its recording on the watch, surprisingly

There’s a clear inference that you are not a trustworthy person.

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There’s a bang of a prep run rope-a-dope off this. Hoping I’ll get the kajjal in over the weekend and have a heap of beers while you sneak down to the beach on Sunday morning and have those lads pace you to a sub 25? Then you drop it in here mid morning and watch me sweat like @Bandage trying to get his phone out of his jocks in a crowded park ? No dice @Spidey. I’m onto you.

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Few lads here purposely avoiding strava… I’m sure it’s all innocent enough tho.


The improvement over the course of the month from non-Strava using competitors is indeed very, very impressive.


Almost unbelievable. Fair play to them, they’ve taken this very seriously and have gotten their rewards.

@caulifloweredneanderthal I’ll post a time to take the blank look off it but it’s not going well :joy:


Marginal gains. I planned to run this morning Cc @Thomas_Brady. I’m glad I didn’t now


Seems like February will end like it began. A few lads going for runs and logging times while @Bandage and @Thomas_Brady whinge like 2 oul ones out for afternoon tea with physio tape round their bits and their thumbs up their holes.

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Little dollop of ‘roid rage potentially thrown into the mix from @Juhniallio now too (cc @Thomas_Brady).


@balbec what is the word the cyclists use, something like supernatural or unnatural ?

I think this may be in permissions on your app settings. You need to allow the strava app permission to record the heart rate. I recall something similar on either my old samsung watch too or else the garmin I’m using now.

edit, it may be in the settings part on the actual strava app on the phone, under data permission. Try that. Failing, I’m sure a standard google search will solve it, common enough issue I reckon.


I think I looked for your elapsed time to bring your time down mate, as you had clocked over the 5km?

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Not normal? Well prepared?

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You’re a gent and I want to appeal to you to remain as general director of the race series. You remind me of Christian Prudhomme.