Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

go for it pal.

just an observation, would you not be better picking just a small portion of the park for the run and just do laps of that. should reduce the number of people youre likely to run into and youll also have a consistent course.

see lockes run yesterday for example

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Yeah, I get your point. The main enclosed kinda rectangle bit of my map is the actual parkrun route. The parkrun is two laps of that. But Iā€™d started back at the Sybil Hill Road entrance so I was 3km after finishing the first ā€œlapā€. My head was telling me to freshen things up and not to do a second lap so I freestyled the rest.

Be grateful you can run.

Iā€™m here with an ice pack on my hammer, a needle in my glute, deep heat on my groin and hip, drowsy after two painkillers and with my thumb up my arseā€¦ All while rolling on my foam roller.


Disagree with fooley @Bandage. Youā€™ve picked a beautiful route. Trees, river, even the rose garden! Iā€™m also impressed you never used the massive hill at the end to boost your time a la @Thomas_Brady. If you did cut out the rose garden you could follow the path down by the playground that swerves down to the river and then goes down to the coast. Sub 26 guaranteed!

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fair enough

just had a look on strava and theres quite as few 400m segments set out in the park, a good few on grass which will be good for your joints. the other advantage of the laps is that you easily get in the zone or zone out because there arent many external factors at play like there would be with normal road running such as lights, buggies and cunts on wheels and you should be able to rack up a very decent time.

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Excuse meā€¦ I used my hill at the start.

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ill gut you like a fish.,

dunno how you can guarantee anything with that route as there will, especially on a nice day be loads of delayers in several parts of that route. nice scenery though and if you were doing a lesiurely stroll it would be very nice

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Something to bear in mind for Sundayā€¦

I canā€™t run in the evening at all at all, first thing in the morning only.

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It was too much for your weak minded hammer to take. If youā€™d raced fair your hammer might have warmed up properly and taken the strainā€¦

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Sitting all day broā€¦ Not good for glutes.

Iā€™ve taken Kevā€™s sage advice on board and started squeezing my arse cheeks really tight for 30 seconds every hour.

I think I might aim for my divisional placing tonightā€¦

been a while since ive done any competitive running, i usually just use it to clear the noggin.

iā€™ll have to scroll back through here for inspiration

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Gonna have to concede the frame to @Juhniallio. Wonā€™t knock 30 secs off by Monday


Who did Juhy get to run his last run for him?

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I have no doubt whatsoever that youā€™ll head out in your car around 7am on Sunday with your Strava on, travelling at 5:03/km pace.


what activity will he do in the car to ensure his heart rate matches his run?



Our watches betray our honesty. Unlike these cavemen fumbling around for their phone down their jocks.

how does a watch betray honesty?

mouse may have muddled it up, but more that the watches dont lie. You have lads with their 25 minute 5k and stopping for a minute between each k for a rest so the elapsed time fucks them over. you wont get away with lying with a watch on tracking you