Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Beamish begs to differ

Ah beamish and murphys are safe enough. But don’t drink any dark beers, or dark spirits, or for that matter craft porters :exploding_head:

Red Lager. All the rage in CEE these days

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Birthday recently and booze the go to present. From 2 different people, got 2 different batches of 24 cans fromof hipster beers including this sour beer from Norway.

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I love sour beer as a treat. Hard to down in the quantity I usually enjoy but a can or two is lovely

Going on a zoom with the gang I play cards with tonight. I won’t be in good shape in the morning.


Yeah, id be the same as yourself. obv the missus told a couple stuck for ideas i like a sour beer and now have 48 cans to plough through.

got into them in the States with a lot of the microbreweries doing a “growler of sour”.

the belgian Lambic ones are my favourite. pricey but smashing taste and fine whallop off them

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Do you mind me asking where your missus got them? I ordered a few off craft-central before but they mainly have IPAs and I think IPAs are piss and those who drink them should be shot

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I dont mind Pale Ale but dont like IPAs at all, even more so the Yanks ones than Brit. Like fermented garden clippings, cant taste anything except leaves I think.

beercloud.ie and craftcentral.ie is what the boxes say the cans all came from. seems stuck to ust sour options too.

my local off-licence in dublin (https://dwans-off-licence.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral) orders in mad stuff in small numbers too, far better than Ive seen in Obriens for example. Here’s one i also got for the birthday from him but not opened yet. A belgian sour beer fermented for years that has a whopper of a bang off it.


That would be nice with the TV on the Radio song ‘Staring at the Sun’ on in the background

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Not a huge fan of then but one is ok. The Mrs loves Kriek and Liefmans …

I wouldnt even know names of ones to look for tbh. Normally just grab a few when in shop as thats all youd really drink in a sitting.

With lockdown, went back to drinking more beer than wine. Grand to sip a couple of beers and that be it. Wine much easier to find yourself guzzling midweek.

Gone local tonight.


You just haven’t met the right IPA yet.

Very nice

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Just delivered​:beer::beer:


You can forget about takeaway pints bod!

Delivered ones are :ok_hand:

IPAs are the thinking man’s brew.