I actually haven’t drank it since I came up here, despite its omnipresence. The last time I recall drinking it was when I bought six tins of it at the petrol station on the dock road that Shane Dowling frequented, before hopping in a van with a band up to Dublin. Supped them away the whole way up, and might have left one for the drive home. A great night.
Lovely. Mine was darker cos I used more kahlua.
I used one measure vodka one measure tia Maria dash of cream and some milk. Where have these been all my life
I’d no cream. Must get some
Serious leg openers. Your hubby will be delighted
Pour the kalhua down the rim to get the mud sliding and top it with some chocolate
That’s just showboating
I thought they only did wheat beer, is this a new product?
How’d ya make that?
9 (Nine) cans put away last night. Need to go to the offy again today now. These Zoom calls are bad for your health.
I had a gin and tonic with one shot glass full of gin, and I felt it this morning.
Had 6 bottles on a Zoom call last night, first hangover in around 2 months. Head is fair fuzzy. Jesus but you’d be lamping the beers back on those calls
Went for a brekkie roll cure this morning, first one I’ve had in ages. Am now twice as dehydrated as before. I can’t see today being a very productive one.
I’m on a college lecture since 9am. I came into the room to find 5 (five) empty bottles, 5 caps and a bottle opener to greet me at 08:59
I have a 12 k run and a bikini bootcamp done