Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete


I once drank organic wine in an Italian vineyard. No hangover I was assured.

The following morning we headed down for an espresso in the local village. As I threw up on my hands and knees beside a school playground I cursed the food poisoning.


You really opened up your throat and expressod yourself

no, there is no chemicals in it

Alcohol free are they?

I think it only applies to alcoholic beers but I am open to correction

Alcohol is a chemical

I’ve gotten a hangover off of German beer

Everything is a chemical mate

You wouldn’t want to site one beside an lg telly.
You could wake up next door.

Water was going to be my next one. You’re still a cunt I see :expressionless:

It’s all them chemicals I’m drinking

I’ve given up on beer and have taken to cheap wine. I’ll be drinking Linden village and pissing myself in public soon

It’s marginally better than shiteing yourself I suppose

I’m on the stella lads.

The only way is up

I’m hammered. First time since lockdown


Wednesday drinking at home since god knows when👍


Just spent two hours picking stones there will have a few to wash the dust down

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I got 3 slabs of it a fortnight ago. It’s fucking awful. On the positive side, I’m working through the last one. Never, never again.

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