Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

I know exactly who they are :smile:

They’d be well known, and not a bother on them about it. :grin:

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Was down at the shop earlier. Half litre bottles of Urquell for 92 cents. Zloty Bazant a bit more pricey, a Euro. Staropramen 92 cents.


I agree. This is a great beer but have never seen it here in Ireland. It’s been a good few years but was lucky enough to visit Prague a fair few times and always drank Krušovic when there, :drooling_face:

Nice beer. Heineken brand. Sell a load of it in Russia.

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'twould be wrong to leave it behind.

Which Polish store, mate? I’ve been on the litre bottles of Bulmers for the last few weeks but it’s not sustainable bottle bank or liver damage wise. Have a hankering for some ice cold cans of pilsner for the last few weeks but can’t find any anywhere.

What would you need to get up and running

I have a home brew kit here but I haven’t use it in a long time. You’d need two demi johns or buckets, an airlock, bottles, caps, a capper and a mix of your choice. Last time I did it I made a pale ale, about 30 bottles and it was grand.

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Oh and sterilizing tablets. They are very important

Lads a lot of those pils and beers in general are mass produced / owned by heineken and the likes … avoid.

Find a good German / Belgian beer. - The contents / sugars are healthier.

It’s in beside Naomh Barrog in the industrial estate beside it.

I did a tour there last year around August. An interesting evening passed. Set up by three people in their late 40s/early 50s. They had all been in employed in big enough jobs I’d imagine and they all sunk their pension funds into this. They ain’t cutting corners and have purchased all the best necessary machinery, pipelines and tanks. They even brew for other breweries as well. The very best of luck to them.

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It’s all in the game, yo

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A cheap German beer from aldi or lidl will do the job. There is a lot of excess capacity in Germany and they do deals with the supermarkets. They have a special purity law there @Tassotti was telling me.


I find the starapromen excellent.

Very little chemicals in German beer, its called the Reinitsgebot


Would you not get a hangover off it then?