Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

I had Applemans last night. I fancied a change.

I’m zen.


That’s lovely gear. They’re selling the shit out of the entire range for 2.50 gbp a pop up here.

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Going to have a bulmers this evening. Tis the day for it

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Tastes like summer

I have only Guinness in the fridge. :rage::rage:

It’ll have to do.


I hope none of ye are using detergent on the pint glasses. Might as well be poisoning yerselves


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Seemed to have picked up the extra creamy cans Mike…

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That looks quare nice in fairness. Anyway, I’ll be allowed back on the sauce for the crimbo. I’ll bookmark that picture.

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You’ll enjoy it all the more after the wait man.
If it’s any consolation the Beamish is still as good as it ever was.

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I’ve been done up like a kipper lads. I asked the missus to get me beers in aldi during the weekly shop, something different says I.

Breysers she came back with. Which looks to be some knock off of Budweiser.

@Julio_Geordio … I had word that Dunnes have 500ml bottles of Urquell, will be doing the weekly multi-house shop tomorrow morning so will check that out.
Should be offers for the long weekend and the good weather.

Meanwhile Musgraves just don’t get it

This could make or break the bank holiday weekend

Good news is they are 3 500ml bottles for €6 in Dunnes. Bad news is there was very little of it on the shelves in Dunnes Parkway and even less by the time I left

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Put pen to paper on a new deal with my employer today, so I will celebrate this occasion in my life with a few cans of cider. The weather isn’t bad either :innocent: