Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

No sure that can be classe a mojito mate

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The Mrs landed back with Hop House 13.Whatā€™s it like Iā€™ve never drank it.Im not fussy mind,the Heineken gives me heartburn lately.

The local shop have been stocking up on drink 3 times a day since the covid started.They canā€™t keep the Bulmers in stock apparently.

Glass isnt correct but fuck it

This is just unraleā€¦

cc @Julio_Geordio

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Itā€™s grandā€¦ Nothing to get excited about but it ainā€™t bad either.

Not much cuttin in it.Wake enough too at only 4.1%.

Itā€™s drinkable.

Off the wagon, we go again.

Arenā€™t they all.

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No, im certainly not off the wagon. Not until Limerickā€™s next championship game Iā€™m not.

Weā€™re here for you

Can a man not have one beer after a long week without being badgered and harassed?

Iā€™m looking out for you, I thought youā€™d said earlier you were off the sauce.

I drank six of them last night like they were glasses of water. Iā€™d a fair enough head on me this morning.

Back on the Bulmers :innocent:

No, I said I donā€™t drink. Which I dont. Iā€™m just enjoying a nice cold beer while my curry is simmering on the hob.

Seems reasonable.

Were you off it?

Howā€™s the insides?