Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Fancy fuckers. I wouldn’t wash the glass between drinks even if I was changing beers

Proper roaster behaviour. Lads at home use the same glass for pints in the pub,

‘Here - use this. Save the water’.

Some of the pubs at home you’d be happier knowing you were only exposing yourself to one unclean glass :joy: I’ve often been tempted to bring my own

In fairness there would never be any issues with unclean glasses. It’s just that some lads would get their pints in the same glass they had the first one in. Never Guinness though.

Man I miss the craic in the pub!

Ah you’d be arrested if you did it with a Guinness.

I know a roaster who pours a large bottle of Bulmers on top of a finished pint of Guinness for his last drink of the night

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Bloody hell.


Stick to the Heineken so.

I wouldn’t use it to wash my car

I’ve made a break for it. Catch me if you can Tony Holohan


I am not in patrickswell

Jesus Christ.

This could be the poster for the Larry Murphy* movie, if they ever make one.

*Not the Wexford hurler.

Ye ever drink stone barrell? The brother in law ordered a mixed crate off them and we are going through it here. Some nice tack. The boom session IPA and the curve ball IPA the winners so far. A sour IPA that was interesting as well. Grand for one

It was water and wine he was experimenting with, not stout and cider.

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Lidl do it regularly enough.

Think it was six bottles for €7.50 last time I got them

Tesco’s are doing 3 large bottles of Heineken for 10 euro I think they are 660 ml bottles.

They go down a treat ice cold.

I often switch between the large bottles of Heineken, peroni and lech.


We’re onto the pale ale.

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