Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

The urquell has lit up your world

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I’ve seen the light

Any Zlaty Bazant to be got in Limerick @ciarancareyshurlingarmy ?

Have not seen it in years. It was carried in the late lamented Next Door offie near my house.

We got to know from travels to Brat, pretty much the only beer they sold in the town.

Cans of heineken can be very hit and miss sometimes. If you buy a 24 can slab they seem to put the worse stuff in those cans, they can come out dead flat whatever way you pore them. The eight pack you’d pick up tend to be better quality.

The bottles are much better. The problem with cans is that air leaks into them.

Bought a couple there this morning.

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Yeah I do be mostly buying bottles of Heineken instead of cans over the last year or two. Much nicer and always consistent, I just keep the box then and put all the empties into a slot that a bottle came out of and then off to the bottle bank when it’s full. They are actually easier to get rid of than cans.

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I found that the large bottle of Tiger was good to hold a head for the first bottle and then went to fuck after that.

It seemed to be a common trait with a lot of lagers. Good first one and that was it after. Doesn’t seem to make logical sense.

Guinness did a widget 33cl bottle about 10 or so years ago. Never tried it but I’d imagine it would be better than the can.

Maybe clean and dry your glass?


Rinse with warm water only. Do not put pint tumblers in the dishwasher or use washing up liquid

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The large bottles of Heineken can be a bit flat

I rinse it but may not necessarily wait for it to dry properly.

Why, is the Next Door off licence in Patrickswell closed now?

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

Wash and dry the glass each time.

I’m not sure what that means. I tried to ring them a few times pre-lockdown and got no answer.

The 33’s are better

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