Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

If any referees in Limerick are locked in the boot of a car this summer you will be a suspect

4th day off it. Decided the next alcoholic beverage I drink will be a creamy delicious pint of motherā€™s milk, likely accompanied by a substantial meal costing no less than 9e

That looks like a bottle of aftershave.


Fancy cunt

Do you drink it with just a bit of ice?

The better stuff yeah, Iā€™d use the ordinary stuff for cocktails etc. Or Iā€™d get her to use the ordinary stuff if Iā€™m being entirely truthful.

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Never really tasted the good stuffā€¦Iā€™ll have to give it a rattle over the summer before whiskey season kicks in again.

You ever been to Cuba mate?

Itā€™ll change your life in ways you couldnā€™t imagine

No mate

Welcome to a month ago

Ok Emmett Lathrop

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Thatā€™s a lovely table and chairs

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Cheers. I made the table myself from a few pallets out the back.cc @iron_mike


Nice job, cc @glenshane

This forum could well do without your constant toing and froing @iron_mike

he was on the heavy stuff to be fair, he didnā€™t know if he was coming or going


Itā€™s as well you intervened. I was on the verge of losing it with him there.