Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Is Macs going to open on Monday?

No,I have reliably infomed!

Local pub here is delivering cocktails and pints to people’s houses and doing a roaring trade. How is this allowed in the licence? I’d say there is definitely a business in it if you could go around to 21st and BBQ etc with your mobile bar…

Pub in Maynooth doing the same in terms of takeaway and many drinking them around the square in the town and going back for more rounds etc.

I heard they took in 5k one day last week.

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A lot of Dublin pubs with an off license are doing takeaway pints and frozen cocktails for the last few weeks.

Not even takeaway pints though is it. Its vans with kegs in the back and pints filled to order at the front door

Supporting local cc @balbec

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We had that last night for a neighbour birthday. Stayed about 90 minutes. All prepaid.

Pre-paying makes it legal as far as I know, as in the transaction has to take place in the licenced premises.

Fellas going house to house and taking payment on site is a much dodgier ground. It will probably be tolerated until the pubs reopen but I’d imagine it will be clamped down on after that.


Purchased a bottle of Five Farms in the loop today. By Christ it’s delicious

From the sublime to the ridiculous
Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Did he get it for you at cost below in the yacht club?

Is that… Is that sparkling water with alcohol??

I feel a fad coming on… I want to be aboard this train before it leaves the station.

Lidl have a special offer on perlenbacher this weekend. 8 500 ml bottles for €7.50. Two free basically.
Only in the special XL container though. It’s still €7.50 for the regular 6 pack.
Tame enough beer, but grand filler for less than a euro a bottle


Picked up some Czech job for 1.50 in Tesco for the 500ml later. Will report back mate

Despite the German label announcing: “ Gebraut nach dem Deutschen Reinheitsgebot, ” this is produced in France and is so dull and sweet, so lacking in a pilsner’s trademark dry hoppiness, that you could easily mistake it for a mainstream US beer. You get a little dusty bitterness at the end but, fundamentally, this is all about sickly candied malt. It will get you drunk, but beyond that …


It used to be brewed in Germany, moved production to France about 5 years ago now. The Aldi equivalent it a lot nicer

Very harsh on it. It’s nothing special, but it’s a grand auld beer.

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If it’s Praha or Manislav. Non descript. Nothing major wrong with them either though to be fair. They both taste exactly the same from memory. They’d stand in a gap for you

Think it’s the Praga alright mate. Manislav is brewed in Dundalk :joy: