Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Having a lightly chilled Romanian Pinot Noir here. Lovely tack.

Ah, you’d love the movie Sideways so. Give it a twirl with a glass or two of Pinot Noir.

Bit of a session in Stephens Green Park. Looks like good craic :joy:

There’ll be an asterix beside this one. Most comfortable winners ever


Fair play. Treating the oul doll to a cosmo


Possibly a daiquiri

It was a Cosmo. It’s great here this summer. No tourists. No Brits.


Got this for 1.49 in Tesco. Brewed in Dundalk. Drinkable.


This is good non alcoholic tac

Bars fully open?

I’m sure it is Mike,what is it? Very dark

Punk AF from Brewdog

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I’ll stick with the kaliber.

Sorry kid. My bad

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For the last month. Open air is grand. Indoors is dead with social distancing and disinfectant everywhere.

Kaliber was nice. Do they still sell it?

Those basement bars with the cut stone effect in Krakow are deadly.

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For the winter yeah. Used to have an interest in one years ago.

Fuck knows MIke,I served it plenty times,only drank it out of protest (driving) not popular in the N.E.

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