Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Oh stony grey soil of Monaghan,
The laugh from my love you thieved
You took the gay child of my passion
And left an IPA well received


Wonderful combination, poetry by Kavanagh and drink. What could possibly go wrong…

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A beer belly and poems.
I’ll probably be made president


This is the only Kavangh prose @TreatyStones appreciates

F f f f f fuck off

Im fucked here…burger, sausage X 2, steak, roast tattie, salad, mozzarella and tomato… 4 cans.


That’s like having a wank without blowing your load.

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Welcome aboard kid

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The life partner brought home Rockshore for FFS sake. You might as well be drinking non alcoholic stuff


The cider or lager?


Sorry bud.

That’s a lovely wall on the left hand side mate

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Nice tack. Goes down easy. Might go back for more.

It’s hard got. But it’s a lovely beer.

Plenty of it in the small dunnes here. And I haven’t tried the two big ones yet.

Pure piss water

Post some down to @ciarancareyshurlingarmy

Will parcel motel em mate :joy: