LOI 22/22

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Nervy ending but massive six points over them two games for the hoops


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any link to the goals?

A talented family

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Rovers more clinical
Pats could have sneaked a draw at end
Not sure why Clancy doesn’t give Tunde more game time


I see Shane Keegan is the new Bray/Cab manager. Whats the deal with this job? Is it full time? He’s also the new GPO for Portlaoise GAA, I thought that on its own would be a full time job.

Shane Keegan new manager at Cobh, would that be a worthwhile gig financially?

I wonder is there a hidden incentive I.e bring some young talented lad through , sell him on and then get some kind of a fee from the transfer?

Worse than that it’s Cobh. It’ll take him all day to get down there

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I’d say a few hundred quid a week

Is it fuck?!! Thats hilarious! The townie cunts will be seething!

He was with Treaty City Academy or something as well wasn’t he?


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He was. He must be @Horsebox level of ability in an interview.

I’d say he knows all the buzzwords

I thought it was Ruairi Keating who dived tbh.

A disappointing performance last night, some awful goals conceded. Very soft. Don’t want to be overly harsh on him but Wynn isn’t at the level. I don’t know what Jack Brady did to get dropped but he has to be brought back in immediately.