LOI 22/22

That Jimmy Corcoran on the subs bench for Cork City was the keeper who was blown for being slightly off his line in a European U17 or 18 quarter-final back around 2018 isn’t it? Brian Kerr went mad over it.

Kevin O’ Connor from Wexford also on the subs for Cork. Won the lotto and played for Preston for a while.

Will the Horseshoe ever be finished?


yes, they are building it now

Will the €20,000 ye got for Mandroiu go towards it?

Jimmy played with Wexford for a while as well.


Eircom Park will be ready to go before this

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Very good piece on OTB tonight about LOI players going to League One clubs. Taciturn agent gave a half hour interview outlining the economics of it all, the L1 clubs that were buying and selling clubs. Very informative

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Did they mention what kind of wages players are on in league 1?

Enough to buy a house after a 10 year career

The academy beginning to flex its muscle @starryplough

a very young team last night

Giddeon Tetteh, Ferajz, Aidomo, & Cory O’Sullivan

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Ferzaj signed up on a pro contract until end of 2023 as well. All looking positive at the minute.


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Waterford have knocked holders Pats out of the FAI cup, 3-2 to the blues at the Stadium of Light

Pats focusing on Europe
Away game in Europe on Thursday meant today always a potential banana skin

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Who’s the crowd who put 6 on Pike Rovers?

The gap between the LOI and the rest is huge based on the results this week

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