London Calling



Depressed angry disenfranchised young men. Apparently mental health initiatives are what’s needed. Tory austerity etc

Brexit I reckon

Have there really been 50 murders in London so far this year? Fucking hell

Has outpaced New York City for murders. I could swear lads were arguing how unsafe the US is compared to the mainland.

The UK needs knife control. Ban kitchen knives. Ban steak as that encourages the use of knives.


But America is unsafe.
The mainland incidentally in the Irish context is Europe mate.

Certain parts of the US are unsafe. The UK has been held up as some kind of standard though, and here we have the capital city of the UK with a higher rate of murder than NYC.

The mainland, from the perspective of the TFK community, is England. Who are these Irish you refer to that think otherwise? Strawberry pickers?

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If the police brought back “stop and search” and spent less time trying to nail 1970s celebs for being nonces things might improve.

It’s all blacks in north London hellhole areas like Tottenham and Tower hamlets… It’s gone through the roof now since they stopped stop and search

I think they do have stop and search. But the ‘searchees’ have to reflect the ethnic etc mix. So if you’re looking for a Muslim terrorist you have to search more white people than Asians etc.
At least that’s how it was after the tube bombings.
Sure you couldn’t make it up…

Bit disingenuous there. NYC has one of the lowest murder rates of comparable size cities in the states, its been steadily decreasing since the 90’s hasn’t it? But its still way more proportionally than London, I think you’re taking a few months data and extrapolating a long term trend that doesn’t exist there.
Stop and search would be a great idea if you had a demonstrably non racist police force, which the Met with their history, clearly aren’t.

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The simple fact of the matter is in the vast majority of cases it is blacks killing blacks in shithole housing estates. But you can’t even say that now with the way its gone now with social media and snowflakes


Sure it’s the same here, you’re not allowed mention the 40 slaughtered in Chicago every month as it distracts from the one lad killed by the cops in Baton Rouge.

This is all under Sadiq Khan’s watch too. London is falling apart under him

England is becoming a third world country. Hope you have a plan b.

England is still a great country, you have shitholes like any other place, I have a quality of life I could never have in Ireland, a real third world country, in every sense of the word

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It’s understandable a ballsy guy like you would outgrow Ireland.

its grand for a few days every now and again but you’d be bored shitless after a few days, no wonder there is a serious problems with alcoholism, depression, sexual abuse and suicide in rural Ireland

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And incest, don’t forget the incest. Tipperary would be uninhabited without it.

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