Long Live the king

I’d say the logistics guy behind this would sort out Dublin airport fairly quickly

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Very fitting.

Not one of the sailors is a person of colour. Crazy

This would remind you of the nazis marching about the place it’s absolutely scary.

RTE have judged the national mood in Ireland very well with their decision to broadcast the funeral live on their main channel.

I was listening to the Brendan O’Connor show on the radio yesterday and journalist Ciara Phelan, who would be very much identified as a voice of the young, struggling generation rent who tend to vote for left-wing parties, said it straight up, “I love the Royals”.

When Paddy Rastool who says “we must celebrate the death of our neighbour’s head of state” has completely lost somebody like that, they’ve lost the entire country.

Paddy Rastool has even lost the Ra themselves, who are in attendance at the funeral.

No good at sea, what what.

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Is it really crazy?

The Queen’s Company, First Battalion Grenadier Guards have played an absolute blinder these past 10 days.

Any people of colour involved in today’s show? Locke reckons it’s whites only

This is mesmerising


Any sign of Meghan?

No people of colour allowed.

love that on 30 seconds, “show some fucking respect you cunt”

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You called one of your kids Luca, didn’t you.

No. I went for the Irish names…one an unpronouncable curse my child will have to shoulder for her lifetime… ach sin scèal eile

As Jimmy Magee might say if he were here now, this reminds me so much of the funeral of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary back in 1916.


The Duchess of Sussex

That struck me too, then it struck me that being shackled to that gun cart wouldn’t be a good look either. Then I stopped watching

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Good work out for my new sub woofer with the big bass drum.