Long Live the king

The carbon footprint being caused by these 10 days of mourning and royals flying hither and tither is alarming @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Also I’m fairly ignorant on these matters but in the past if you killed the king didn’t you become the king?

Like did the queens father kill somebody to get the throne or what’s the story?

What makes them so royal anyway?

Said revolver was a gift from Collins a couple of years previously.

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Their ancestors had the biggest stick centuries ago.

I would say one thing that balmoral looks amazing. You’d love to own it.

The estate there is 50,000 acres. There’d be savage SFP monies to be gathered off it.

I presume that creep Andrew has been hidden anyway for the funeral?

The Queen came across as a decent enough sort but herself and Phillip didn’t do a great job of rearing the chaps. Anne and Edward seem sound enough I suppose but the other pair don’t strike me as nice people.

Edward is the idiot of the family. They keep him well hidden as well.

Princess Anne has the distinction of being the only female Olympian not to be sex tested.


You’d be mithered cutting the grass.

So they were all dragged up by the sounds of it.

The wet nurse was fond of the bottle.


They’re Germans

Women of her vintage in rural Ireland reared families of 10 to produce: 4 nurses, 3 teachers, a farmer, a priest and a nun.

The Act of Settlement 1701 which forbade Roman Catholics ascending to the throne. They ran out of Protestant heirs to the throne down the Stuart line and the succession passed to to the family of Sophia of Hanover who was the eldest Protestant descendant of King James II. When she died her claim passed to her son Georg Ludwig who became King George I of England. The line has descended from George I until now.

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Living the dream. Hire in the likes of @The_Dunph as the Seth Armstrong type gatekeeper.

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My favourite member of the Royal Family is the Duchess Of Kent. Presented three Liverpool captains with the FA Cup in 1986, 1989 and 1992. In keeping with her love of Liverpool FC - it’s well known she’s a fan, as mentioned by John Motson on commentary during the 1989 final - she became a Catholic in 1994. Also well known for the lovely way she comforted defeated Wimbledon ladies’ singles defeated finalist Jana Novotna in 1993. The Duchess is 89 these days, hopefully she’ll keep going for a while yet.


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I went to see The Chief tonight in the Town Hall. Wahtever else about Collins and the decisions he made no one can deny Dev was a snivelling withering cowardly fuck hiding behind the scenes the whole time while content to fan the flames and send young lads out to their deaths. He’d have made a fine WW1 general the cunt


This is the Michael Fagan. Recorded 1983.

a fundamentalist killjoy cunt of a man

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