Long Live the king

Hopefully Micheal will get to meet POTUS after being denied meeting him twice

No doubt the putinesta will wheel out the jet again for a quick spin

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Michelle O’Neill continues to impress. I’d have a lot more time for her as a politician than for Mary Lou.

They’d be better off on Ryanair or Aer Lingus, there’d be no parking

I was flat to the mat earlier but some forgotten errand drew me back in to catch Nanny watching this pageant. I spotted Alex Maskey briefly and apparently he was part of the warm-up act - like the minor final.

Curiosity got the better of me and I found that he was the Speaker of the Assembly until it ran it’s course and stalemate has ensued. But he’s not the Speaker now as there’s no Assembly so what gives?

I assume he was cordial and gushing blah blah etc. Must have stuck in his throat…

Alex Maskey has been to the forefront of making these sorts of gestures of cross-community respect for many years now. They’re important.

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Maturing as a nation

I notice some folk using “his majesty” “her majesty”, mainly unionists, royalists, etc, and other just using “the queen”.
While the barstoolers will give out about Alex Maskey, it was the right thing to do in an official capacity, will drive Bryson and Flegory mental anyway, and plays the long long game.

I’d die roaring up on her


She’s lost a bit of weight and it suits her.

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I saw her in a pub in Dublin the night of the FA cup final (may have logged somewhere) and I absolutely would

I must say those were outstanding moments of respect and conciliation at Hillsborough Castle today. Very important symbolic moments in the history of our island and their value will endure. Well done to all involved.

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Are you not in favour of driving the imperialists out at all costs?

He has a very odd grip of a pen

Sure he has fingers like sausages.

Her Majesty’s remains have arrived in London and are currently being transported to Buckingham Palace to lie in state.

That story ted Walsh has about Charles riding in the kim muir always amused me.