Long Live the king

I will indeed. I’m lampooning INTERNET posters who go all Louise Mensch and desperately search for some idiotic red herring so they can cry “Gotcha!!!” “Hypocrite” in the absence of being able to debate something.


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I’m not lampooning you, Fagan, if it makes you feel any better, which hopefully it does.

No problem at all. I think I figured it out now anyway. :+1::+1:

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Read that article in the NY Times this morning. That figure is the publicly known figure. There is considerably more that is not recounted to the public. Additionally, none of the commercial ventures that are theirs are liable to corporate tax.

Theft masked as monarch

If a Russian oligarch did this they’d have to use complex schemes to hide the cash. The Royal Family are doing it in plain sight.

He should be running the country.

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Some racket; almost admirable. To have the cajones to not only convince people they’re lesser than you for some obscure reason, you also dip your hand in their pocket while telling them it

He’s going to really fuck it up

Two hissy fits already and this

Poppy month is just round the corner.

More demands of unquestioning subservience.

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It just bidness

The Guinness family also practiced incest.

Genuinely? I used rent a cottage off them up the road. Give me some juice I can pelt at them.

Tell you a funny one. If they ever read this, they’ll know immediately it’s me saying it.

So, Mrs G has two boys, one of which was in first year at the time. Brazen fucker, he was always mean to younger kids. Take my kid’s football, breaking his goalposts etc.

Anyway, one day Mrs G gets called into the school by the school vice principal. Principal himself is away so this guy, who happens to be Jewish, says young G is in serious trouble and she needs to come in

In she comes anyway and she’s called into the vice principal’s office on arrival. Usual inane small talk before VP launches into the meat of the issue

“Mrs G, young G was seen doing Nazi salutes outside the Jewish primary school down the road”

Shocked and extremely embarrassed given the VP himself is Jewish, she explains that’s not something they possibly condone at home etc etc

“let’s get him up here to explain himself” says the VP. He leaves the office to bring him up to the office.

I’n he walks, she’s throwing him daggers and he’s looking rather sheepish and confused.

“I’ve brought your mother in today as we have had report of an extremely serious situation you involved yourself in Young G” says the VP. "Would you like to tell us what you think this might be about?
To this Young G pauses and replies “Is this cos of what I stole from Supervalu?” Instantly both hanging himself further and mortifying his mother.


There are 2 houses built by the Guinness family on Knockmaroon hill, on either side as you go under the walkway halfway up the hill. One, on the Phoenix Park side, is a 15000 square foot “lodge” built for social occassions and hosting parties, and wasn’t lived in full time. You’d fit about 6 or 7 suburban semi ds into it.

I think they still own a lot of land out that direction towards Castleknock and the Strawberry Beds.

Until they got good at it?


They originally did anyway… Married cousins like the royals did. Not sure they’ve practiced it in a while as they married their women off into royals and titles.

Yeah still a lot all the way back to Lucan but the urban sprawl is creeping in. They had the last working dairy farm inside the M50 3 years ago when they stopped - across from Castleknock college. Farm is still active but just for dry stock. Interestingly enough JP and Magnier have bought up a lot of their land in recent years to convert to housing development zone at a later date.

Passed that the other day. Was wondering what it was/who owned it.

Alec Guinness, no blood relation?

And the man died last week. Paddy galvin I believe his name was.