Long Live the king

Deafening silence from the likes of Toady Young at the moment on the right to free speech.

Fuck sake this is taking longer then it took Waterford to reappoint Davy


It’s mad the way folk who you would usually think are ok sorts turn into extreme cap doffers. It’s hard to figure out the English folk at times…
Even Peter Hook paid tribute t’other day…

Huw on the BBC rightly pointed out that the organisational skills on display today could only happen in England


Is it OK to think people have and should have the right to voice opposition to the monarchy, and simultaneously think they’re total attention seeking cunts for doing it in a place where people are mourning, and haven’t much cause for complaint if they get arrested?

There was a Republican chap on C4 News last night who I think put it best about that heckler in Edinburgh the other day - “Is it the time to voice opposition to the monarchy? Yes, because when else would be a suitable time? Was it the place? No. Which is why I don’t protest in places where people are mourning.”

I mean, should people have protested the funerals of, say those two drug dealers who were killed joyriding down the wrong side of the Naas Road some months back, even if they were demonstrably awful people ? I don’t think so.

Sure why not go a step further on the same theme. Should people have heckled, sorry, protested, during the funeral cortege of Dillon Quirke? Now I’ve no idea whatsoever what anybody would be “protesting” about there - but that’s irrelevant - the principle is the exact same.

If you defend the right to heckle, demonstrate or “protest” in a place where people are mourning the Queen, well then you have to defend the right of people to demonstrate or protest or heckle during any funeral.

I don’t think that’s a right worth upholding.

I wonder who’ll be the first gaa club to burn one of those after winning a county final.

I hadn’t you down as such a west Brit but Jesus Christ the whole thing is just bloody weird. Like people are following a family for six days now as they mourn.

It’s really really odd the whole thing.

The Met police will be under some pressure for next few days, the funeral will be ripe for a terror attack.

Free speech innit

No, you most certainly do not.

Here is a classic example of someone simply not able to think, augmented by a quintessentially Stickie wish to collapse all distinctions into hectoring moral fervency (‘All Irish militant Republicanism is equally as bad as neo fascist Loyalism because of Seán South’s capers yadda yadda’). The reality is that Toady Young, Lolly Fox and all the other ‘people should have the right to be offensive on the basis of free speech’ merchants have been shown up for what they are: complete grifters and utter hypocrites. While anyone with even a smattering of taste and sense knew this reality, it is coldly pleasant to see their hypocrisy bulge, like a sort of ideological hernia.

Not all funerals are the same simply because in each case a funeral is in question. If nothing else, such puerility is an error in logic. But you have to be able to think at some basic level, to be able to make distinctions, in order to grasp this nub. I take the point about tone and timing and appropriateness. And I think republicans/anti monarchists in Britain are only damaging their eminently reasonable case by engaging in any sort of protest at the moment. Silence would be a far more profound protest.

Which or whether, there is no proper comparison between the funeral of Elizabeth Windsor and the funeral – in a reference of typically clammy obnoxious populist Stickie guff – of Dillon Quirke. Why? Because – doh – Elizabeth Windsor was Queen Elizabeth II and therefore the living embodiment of an institution, the British monarchy. She was not a private citizen. Her death represents far more than the death of a single person. I mean, if it did not, why would the process continue for so long and in such an elaborate fashion? Doh.

The sheer stupidity and sheer obnoxiousness of claiming equivalence with someone putatively shouting something unpleasant about Tipperary hurling at that fine young man’s funeral in Clonoulty beggars belief as a stab at analysis. Just another illustration, I guess, of how certain individuals can know a lot of facts and understand nothing of consequence.

To say every funeral is like every other funeral is akin to saying there are no aristocrats in Britain.


What’s a stickie?

Always be wary of anyone who pours the milk in before they pour the tea. Its a dead giveaway

Eoghan Harris type

Thanks for the as always spectacularly bone headed abuse.

All people are people. The notion that one funeral should be allowed to be heckled and another shouldn’t on the basis of an “institution” is guff.

Sure Dillon Quirke was part of an institution, the GAA. So by your very own bullshit logic any hypothetical “ban the GAA” protestors or protestors about the GAA getting preferential treatment in terms of funding should thus be allowed heckle his funeral, no matter how bone headed they are. Free speech, innit.

Gerry Adams is the living embodiment of Sinn Fein. Should his funeral, whenever it is, be allowed to be heckled held up and demonstrated against by the Jamie Brysons of this world on the basis of “free speech innit”?

None of this is about “institutions”. All this is about one thing. You want people to be able to heckle the funeral corteges of those you dislike, while banning the heckling of funeral corteges of those you like.

You haven’t thought about the consequences of your views because you don’t do actual thinking, instead you shout constant streams of abuse and delude yourself that that somehow constitutes “thinking”. It doesn’t.

And in this way, you are basically an Irish Toby Young.

I’ll be abroad in any case.

Look, you have not got a jot. Bluster about Sinn Féin – of whom I am not an admirer – and sneery bluster about the GAA and rural Ireland are your stock in trade. You are that class of an eejit who thought he would get a newspaper column out of writing about Canice Picklington. Lowest domination Stickie guff, same as Eoghan Harris evinced, is your bottom line.

Took you an awful long time to come up with nothing better than ‘You’re Toby Young!’

Not a jot. And a West Brit to boot.

Admit the mistake in logic and move on. I know you have not got the humility to apologize to the Quirke family.

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Another extremely angry, pointless, formulaic dirge of a post.

1 To be intoned in a Joe Duffy accent.

2 Beyond stupid.

Am not angry at all. Am coldly amused by the sheer stupidity and vulgarity. Am always happy to see a Stickie making an eejit out of himself.