Long Live the king

It’s what she would have wanted

First date at a Queens funeral will be some story to tell the grand children.

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We should have a national round of applause approx 7.16 tomorrow evening

Proper order. The Crown forces liberated Italy from fascism in 1944 with Bob Paisley leading the charge.

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I’ve always felt a man of David Beckham’s stature could have pulled a higher echelon looker and more charismatic female than Posh. Surely had his absolute pick of women back in the late 90’s. Although that being said Posh did look very well in a video with Ali G from around 2000 that I saw recently. Becks was definitely the settler in that relationship I’d say though.

Well he had the best of both worlds by creating Brand Beckham and bonking Rebecca Loos on the side.

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Victoria was an absolute bird back in the day… she was amazing


An absolute cracker

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The definition of a danger wank

Susanna Reid queued up in fairness

Whatever tickles your fancy, I suppose.





I’d tap that

@thedancingbaby has set up a go fund me for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy …he was in London for a conference on wild flowers and got nicked on the way back to his tent in Clapham Common.

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England is on tenterhooks.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will never make it back for his shift in the yacht club tomorrow night

Nice bit of racial profiling there

I’m nearly worn out at this stage from 10 days of mourning. Just one last push now for the funeral tomorrow.

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