Long Live the king

I don’t know how you’re doing it mate

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Hopefully it’s a relatively long to reign over us tenure for King Charles. Couldn’t face through all this again anytime soon.

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Understandable that the popo will be on edge. He shoulda really known better

If they voted in Britain to bin the monarchy what would the result be? Surely the average Brit isn’t having this charade.

Mate give over, we all know the horsey set love the monarchy

The Royal Family are box office. The fanfare and pomp is a magnificent spectacle. And although Her Majesty’s funeral will be a sombre event, the decorum and splendour of the occasion will still be fascinating to watch.


Are you saying the same crowd who voted the Tories and voted for Brexit, would get rid of the monarchy? Did you get a bang to the head during the day sir?


I’d vote to leave e.u but I’d never entertain a monarchy.

Brexit was passed because rich folk fooled the less fortunate that the NHS would get £350m a week. That immigrants took their jobs and didn’t contribute to the economy. That trade deals were easy and enrich them.

King Charles is no queen. @BruidheanChaorthainn is right.

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Yep, they’re dopey enough to believe that, they’re dopey enough to hold onto an antiquated bullshit monarchy.

Wishful thinking on your behalf

How was the travel over ?

Big hands knows

A University did a survey of the people in the funeral queue. 56% voted Conservative in the last election. A majority voted for Remain though, suggesting that many of the queuers were from the South.

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The official funeral coverage has started on BBC

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Mourners taking their place in Westminster Abbey already, incredible organisation

Will the official mourning end today? Or will there be another week of bollox acting? I was largely ambivalent to the thing, just thought they were overdoing it a tad… but cutting into a minutes silence last night and interrupting red zone coverage as the Dolphins began their comeback was infuriating. Are they making this shit up as they go along? Or is there an official list of events that have to be carried out?

Between the shite WhatsApp jokes, constant news coverage, the booing/ non booing at football grounds, the pro/anti royal stream on twitter and the cunts cutting into red zone showing a load of servile welch observing a minute’s silence in a pub… Im exhausted from it, and ive hardly been paying attention.

You had your man Hoyle calling it the most important event the world will have ever seen :rofl:

The fucking tans are absolutely deluded is the only conclusion i can arrive at.


No one organises big events better than the Brits, well apart from Euro 2021 final.

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Mickey Martin is in already

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The ushering over the last week has been top class

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