Long Live the king

Outstanding pageantry, pomp and circumstance. It’s why we all love the British.

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I hope all involved in this funeral had a good shite this morning. You wouldn’t want to be short taken if you were participating in an event like this. Be a good idea to have taken one of those tablets James Cameron used to take to block him up when he went down to visit the wreck of the Titanic. They say hydration is very important but hydration is the last thing you’d want in this circumstance.

I read that in his dulcet Welsh voice.

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What did you make of We Own This City mate? Started watching it the weekend; while it’s not The Wire, it is definitely passable. 7.5 out of 10

It’s easy see why the sun once never set on the Empire

I’d say they are dying for a few sandwiches and a cup of tea at this stage, slow marching for a good hour

Yeah, thought the same… It was missing a bit more grit or something. But it was still a decent watch.

Poor Muireann. It’ll be her “boy named Sue” moment.

Did Andrew get all those medals for serving tea in the Falklands and buggery?

Muireann aint too bad… tis neither Muireann nor Doireann though

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In Catastrophe when Rob gives out to Sharon for naming their daughter Muireann - “it’s not even a word!!”

Nobody coming up to shake Charles hand saying

“Sorry for your loss now, shure she had a great innings. A mighty woman altogether”


dey had de dinner dis mawnin at half ate to have a clare run at de dae

I hope the Cark lads are fairing okay.

I’m hearing the English Market is closed down out of respect today.

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Only right.

Always thought lads in navy had to be clean shaven

Princess Anne showed great fortitude matching behind the coffin.

Her Majesty sets off on her last journey to her final resting place in Windsor.

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She was very stoic, I must say people throwing flowers at the herse is very uncouth, this isn’t Princess Diana


Did Mountbatton have the same send off?