Long Live the king

The skirl of the pipes. Haunting. Magical. Solemn.

Every time one of those shots goes off I expect it to be a suicide bomber.

Some of the horses are getting slightly itchy feet here. You wouldn’t want a situation like in the modern pentathlon at the Olympics where delinquent horses ran amok. Thankfully the horsepersonship here is of a much higher quality.


Can guarantee not a single horse will get hit a dig here

Emma is a lovely pony.

Anyone for the last few choc ices??!!!

To be fair I’d liked her to have held on until after the Last Night Of The Proms.

Great solemnity on the faces of corgis Sandy and Mick. There is sadness in their eyes.

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Some auld hawker with a Hiace made a few quid


As I said about Australia before, it’s not all full of thick ignorant fuckers, but a lot of thick ignorant fuckers seem to get ahead over there.


All that sunshine must penetrate their brains.

Paddy Rastool will love that. Paddy Rastool loves ignorance and professional incompetence.

When is the coronation? Another bank holiday beckons

I hope yer man driving the hearse was in an automatic, be bollixed from that.


you would recognize albanese?

These are probably the most dignified scenes in human history.

There’s a noticeable “strong” side among the pall bearers. The coffin is slanting downwards to the right with every step ascended.

Be grand. Parents will give a quick trip to the food bank on the way home. Job is oxo