Long Live the king

With all this music over the last several hours it’s probably not surprising that some of it has at times sounded like some better known tunes. There was a bang of the Marseillaise off one bit of that latest organ piece. Another one being played after leaving Westminster Abbey sounded like the opening strains of the Argentine national anthem. Another tune sounded a bit like Z Cars.

This was a terrific line by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Queen and the Royal Family stood/stand against those who seek to cling to power and privilege. They are there to serve. They are servants.

This is a lot more intimate and personal, great to see Charles Spencer there, QE did a lot for him after the death of Diana


Superb dignity and respect shown by Emma. Reminiscent of John John, the son of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, at his father’s funeral. A heart-rending image.

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Signing out for a while. What a day and what a send off. I’m just shattered after the last 10 days, or was it 11. Need a bit of quiet time to reflect on it all and to process it.


The piper has decided to fuck off too.

What a fucking production!

Take as much time as you need Dan, been a tough couple of weeks for you. If you wanted to even take a few months off I think we would all understand.


Ah Jaysus they could have given her one last God save the Queen

I found that very difficult, the lone piper fading out, the sense of finality, incredible tv coverage from the BBC

It was a service that was replete with symbolism and poignancy.

A blessing to us all as individuals and to the country and to the Commonwealth.

Lots of badge kissing going on today. You wouldn’t see it on July 12th.

You can almost reach out and touch the solemnity in the words of the BBC panel here. You can almost hold that solemnity in your hands.

If I was to use one word to sum up the day’s events, I would use the word “solemnity”.

Is the cunt in the ground?

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Attention will now inevitably turn to which channel won the television ratings war. My money is on BBC One, with BBC Two in an honorable second place, followed by BBC Four and CBeebies.

No mate. He was buried at sea.

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Surely no one would watch such an event on anything other than BBC?

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