Long Live the king

Could he not live in a normal auld house like the rest of us.

It’ll end up that way anyway. She’ll hit the road as soon as she has him drained of every last penny

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Ah stop… They’re worth 50/60m. He probably has trusts and money in investment funds that won’t be running out any time soon… You think the royals are all on handouts from the state? They have billions upon billions in all kinds of investments.

Netflix was about their world wide brand.

Duty free liquor and blue passports

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Bang bang one shot

Is their daddy not the biggest landowner in d country?

He got 10 million from his ma, but I’d say they’ve burned through that already. It’s private jets and superyachts that they want.
Let’s face it, he’s a dick even by Windsor standards. “I had a smaller bedroom and I broke my necklace”
He’s a sniveling little wanker.


Would have been more in Harry’s line to get the Green Cert done before he turned 35. He’s 38 now, he’ll have to pay huge inheritance tax on it.


Plenty road frontage though, be grand

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I think its time Charles picked up the phone and had a quiet word with his father

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I’d say Mumsnet.com has less commentary on this eejit than TFK, Jesus wept :man_shrugging:


The cork fellas love the monarchy


What’s the mood like currently towards Prince Henry over on the mainland @Tassotti?

he’s making a show of himself

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It’s some way to earn a living. Ranting and raving to the world about your family.


High Maintenance Megan has him driven cracked. She’ll move onto someone else and he’ll be left with nothing.

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That’s on the cards from Day one

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Hasn’t been that much on here.

I get the sense that he’s as stupid as pigshit.
His revelations about kills are the most damaging.


he’d be a good inclusion on celebrity deaths for the next few years, the thick cunt might aswell have put a target on the back of his head

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