Long Live the king

A man who killed 25 Taliban should be well able to defend himself

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That’d be my thoughts on it too, but I suppose he doesn’t have a helicopter with a cannon on the old Kent road.

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5 mins on a disagreement on whether he should shave his beard for the wedding. What an absolute dweeb he is


Bread and circuses as their Roman overlords once said

He’s making a show of himself.

A wanker.

I’ve just tuned in the mainland channels on the new tv tonight and happened on this clownshoe.

Wants his future conversations with William and Charles to remain private


He’s not the sharpest.

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I’d like to offer himself and Meghan a royal Irish honour. He has the ginger gruaig.

Harry is a legend. He has the tans and a number of Irish hanger ons in a spin.
Imagine watching him giving an interview and fuming about it :rofl::rofl:

You fucks are worse than us Paddy footix.


Bogger chic he’s callin it

I remember years back when one of them got married. I can’t recall which brother, and someone I knew told me their company allowed them to put a tv in the office so they could watch it. This was in Dublin but probably could have happened all over the place.
They also got time off when one of the royal couples were in Dublin and passing by the office in a car.
Fucking enough to make you puke and go postal.
Would these be classed as west Brits or royal footix?
We spent 800 years trying to get them out! And we fawn over them once they’re gone.

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The Royals are box office. Like a longer running version of Big Brother or Love Island

Harry has the Royal family rattled to within an inch of their lives

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Williams wife is a lovely lady. The epitome of posh totty.


A vicious cunt behind the facade no doubt

The backstabbing and bitchiness between Kate and Megan must be off the charts.

Think two normal women rowing multiplied by a million.

She is not to be messed with I am reliably informed

A lovely lady