Long Live the king

The Scot’s really are a totally useless shower, had the one chance to clean house and make something of themselves and they shat the togs. Useless.

Don’t even start me on the Welsh.

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Would many tfk posters be planning on swearing an oath to charles windsor? I’d say tim, cheasty and tallback will be keen…

Does taking the schilling count?

Chairman Tan.

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No. You should take it wherever you can get it

Sucking on the queens tit. Got it

We’re talking about you here? Right??

Average gymnastics as always.


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Explaining is losing Nick.

And the Aussies talking about getting rid of the King as head of state. They are as bad as the Scotch.

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Little known fact, “Into my Arms” was a love letter to queen Elizabeth

The most important historical event in the UK in our age, and the strangest and weirdest. Nick must be a brexiteer.

Are you all set for the big day @Tassotti?

I’m up and ready, what a day awaits, pageantry and protocol


Some Paddy getting interviewed on BBC queuing on the mall at half 5 in the morning on the mall

Are parkruns going ahead in the UK today, pal?

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I’m up and about myself early too. What a day to be alive. Paddy is really excited about the Coronation.

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